Today we went down to Rimbey to see the CMRO's (Canadian Mudbog Racing Organization) last racing event of the season. My friend Tamie was taking part in it!! To be honest I didn't really know what to expect - apart from what I had seen on her Facebook page!! I love hearing about it all from her though and it always sounds so much fun!!
Lloyd has always loved dragsters and racing - he used to go and watch back home. Last year we went ad watched some other kind of racing too.....that was great fun!!! We knew one of the men racing there too and it is ALWAYS so much more fun when you know someone taking part!!!! :)
I really wanted to get to one of Tamies events this year and find out what this mud bog racing was all about - the idea of all that mud flying just seemed like Laurence and sams idea of fun and the I knew Lloyd would love the noise and the cars and trucks!
OMG What a brilliant experience!!! The ground literally shakes with these cars and yet even though they are like normal dragsters - they are going througha really long ditch full of wet boggy MUD!!! the mud flies EVERYWHERE!!! Hahahaha I had it on my pants and Susie got it in her SHOES!!!!! It is sooooo loud too :) The first few cars in the top class went so fast I didn't even have time to take a picture - they were just GONE!!! :)
The above pictures show Tamie in her run!! The MC was saying that she did soooo well this year that she didn't really have to race today as she had already won the year I think!!! (Tamie correct me If Im wrong!!!) - anyway afterwards her Facebook status afterwards read: "Got junk parts on two wheels broke fender and carb acting up no one took vid but i still managed a first place run"
Tamie - you have my TOTAL admiration for getting out there and doing that so often - OMG you are sooooo brave girl!!!! :) Congratulations :) It looks soooo much fun :) But rather you than me ;)
Now, there was a big shiny fire truck there today and we just couldn't decide - is it there to keep the mud bog all soggy and muddy OR is it there to hose down the dirty trucks afterwards?????
Ok and Lloyd wants to know how much it costs to take part as he thinks it looks like a lot of fun!!! ;) Me??? I think I prefer the 'sitting by the fire pit' part you posted about last night lol!!!!