Monday was 28c so we headed to the splashpark to cool off. Lloyd had gone back to work after his week off (boohoo) Chris was working all day too. Laurie had slept over at his friends, so it was just Susie, Abby, Sam and I. It was fun :) We didn't plan it, just woke up in the morning, decided to throw a few snacks in the cooler and jump in the car and go! It was busy there though!
On Sunday night, to end Lloyds holiday, Lloyd marinaded ribs for the boys (their favourite) ALL day...then barbecued them slowly all afternoon. They LOVED them!! Then in the evening we took the children to Dairy Queen for ice creams and dropped Laurie at his friends for a sleepover where he stayed for two nights! Yes he seems to be spending much of the summer.
Last night Chris went to his friends house to go swimming - they have this man made pond type thing on their acreage with this giant swing - the swing is as tall as a house so you swing REALLY high and then jump into the pond - I hear its AWESOME!! ;)
Today we had errands to run - had to pick up two of Chris's friends and then drive them to another friends house. Had to pick Laurie up from his friends house. Had to go to the bank. Had to pick up some clothes form the tailors. Had to go to the library. We had lunch at the food court and ended up sat next to Val and her family! So funny because we both have bigger families so we both head for bigger tables and then end up sat near each other! Nice to see them all and Val if you are free before you go away then let me know when and we can plan something!! I have some plans each week but some days free too!!
Work on the addition continues - they've been here fairly frequently the last couple of weeks - it's frustrating not to see much progress but at least they are doing something lol!
Grayson, our new cat has settled in well and is making himself at home. He is such a sweet cat. So gentle with the children. He loves his bowl of milk in the evening (his notes from his foster home even said he asks for it in the evening lol) and he loves to sit on my writing desk in the mornings in my bedroom window. Right now he is stretched out on my oversized chair beside me. In the store they used to play with him with a little laser light thing that he would chase and so we bought one and the children play with him with it and he LOVES it - he will chase the light across the floor as if its a mouse! Amber our golden Retriever used to love to chase one of these around our yard in Sherwood Park! Yesterday I was cooling her off by having her chase the stream of water from the hose with it on 'jet'...she loves it :) she jumps soooo high to catch it in her mouth :)
I have things to post before I log off :)