After the playground, we went to Smittys for lunch - actually we had breakfast there but it was 1pm so its a little late even for brunch lol! I had a waffle and Sam had sausage and pancakes. The food was super fast and the service was GREAT!!
We went back to the car and I put my purse and keys up on the bit between the driver and passenger seats....went to grab Sam to put him in his seat and the door blew shut! I try to open the door and its locked!!! HOW?????? I must have knocked it with my elbow or something?? I don't know - I didn't think you could lock it without the key!
Anyhoo, I went back in to Smittys and borrowed their phone and called Lloyd and he gave me the code for the car. It wouldn't work!!!! He told me to press each button twice if I wanted the second number.....I couldn't believe it - my day had been going so well, but luckily I was in a good mood and felt like it was just funny more than anything!
Thankfully, my old neighbour Lori owns a baby store just around the corner from Smittys - the store only moved there a few weeks ago PHEW!!! So I walked around to Baby and Beyond and asked for Lori! We chatted and she let me borrow her phone to phone Lloyd - she didn't know what to do either lol. Anyway, we are chatting and a lady in the store says she knows how to get into my car - so she tells me how to key in the code - I try it and it works PHEW (another PHEW!!!)
So I get into the car and get my purse and keys and we head back to the store to say thank you and to say goodbye to Lori. I also took the time to choose a little something for a certain someone while I was there.....
While I was paying, Lori offers me a job! They need staff and can give me hours to suit.....they don't open evenings or Sundays or holidays. Perfect! So I need to figure out childcare for Sam and she said I can work Tuesdays and Thursdays if I want - while Abby is at school - or as often as I like! They mainly want someone over the lunchtime hours as they can't take a lunch break right now!
So now I am home and the lady isn't coming for the chickens today - they will be going Sunday or next Tuesday instead......the kids are all back from school...Lloyd is on his way home. Lasagna is in the oven and we have a lovely salad in the fridge.
Tonight we will watch 3 more episodes of Greys Anatomy. Georges Dad died last night and it was just so so sad. Lloyd asked if I needed the box of tissues - my sleeves were soggy from drying my eyes! We have to get done in time for the new series which starts on Thursday night!
Lloyd leaves for Toronto on Thursday morning - the flights are booked.