Susannah had a small bumpy rash on her side and back about two weeks ago and had these symptoms too:
"upset stomach, headache, fever, and the chills".
We didn't connect those symptoms to the rash and she felt well enough to go to school - a little nausea, took advil for headache a few times and put the upset stomach down to 'girl stuff'....we kept an eye on the rash but after a week or so it started to go so we didn't bother to see the Doctor..Susannah was just bothered by the itchiness while it had been there....
BUT - I was just looking up SHINGLES and the rash she had is EXACTLY like a mild form of shingles!!!! It looks just like the pictures and descriptions!! OMG - maybe it was Susannah that gave chicken pox to Sam!!! I always consider shingles to be an old persons illness but so long as you have had chicken pox you can get it at any age!!!
8 hours ago