Water. I love it. I could happily be a fish. There is nothing I like more than splashing about in an outdoor pool...any pool is wonderful but outdoor pools..the smell, the colour.......the sounds!!!! Oh wow they just remind me of summer evenings as a child spent swimming in the pool until late.....until my skin was so wrinkled I resembled a prune......until I was so cold my lips were blue.....and even then I would stand in the middle of the pool and refuse to get out, knowing only too well that my parents couldn't swim and so couldn't get me out!!!
My favourite colour is turquoise....aquamarine...the colour of swimming pools and water.....
The picture above represents summer to me.....summer fun and happiness.....and many many memories of good times with friends over the years.......playing 'miss world' around the edge, pretending to be jaws.....pretending to play 'Its a Knockout' on inflatables.......of George (the filter even had a name!!!) and of hot chocolate to warm up afterwards.......
Even now when I am upset or angry I retreat to the bath for several hours...often emptying the tub when its cold only to refill it again and stay in.
Water......I love it.