May 7, 2007

Ah well.....

As I thought...I didn't get through to round 5...but thats ok....I'm proud that I was never made a sous chef...I won through each round this far :) I've learned a lot and I did my best! You can't ask for more than that!!!

Its also a relief that I don't have to worry about another round....I can focus on the Book of Me challenge instead :) This month we have to choose a new album and decorate it....a book of me is exactly that - a scrapbook album just about's Emine's challenge and it should be fun...a new project each month!

I Heart Leather!!!!

I just have to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE my leather sofas.....they are just so so easy to keep clean with children.....

Sam just threw up ALL over one of the sofa cushions....but I can wipe it clean!!!! No problem!!!

I can just imagine the hassle I would ahve had if I still had my old sofas in there!!!

So yep...I love my comfy squishy leather sofas that are wipeable!!!!!

Poorly Sam

Sam isn't well again. He didn't eat much of anything yesterday but seemed fine and was outside playing a lot. This morning he has the kids bad cold and is really phlegmy.....I think that is what caused him to throw up earlier :( and he has been asleep wrapped up in my quillow ever since. Poor little guy!

I am wondering if he picked something up on Friday at playgroup and it started to hit him yesterday :( Lloyd says we should just never take them out lol - just keep them at home safe from germs ;)

Its gorgeous outside again today - hot and sunny but it looks as though I will be spending most of the day indoors until Lloyd gets home and can take over.....Its 12:40pm and I JUST got dressed....apart from checking SH for the contest results constantly (still not listed) and posting here, I have done laundry, cleaned Sam up constantly, tidied the kitchen...tidied the main floor and pottered about close to Sam...

waiting for news...

As well as waiting to hear about my contest, I am also sat here waiting to here from Dan...I asked that if he had a chance, could he phone me around lunchtime to let me know how he is getting on....I hope he can....

So yes, Dan went into town with Lloyd at 6:30 this morning....Lloyd left him at the Tim Hortons on Wye, with a book and coffee and breakfast...Dan was going to sit there and read until it was time to walk up to Ians house...

I an is giving Dan a ride to work....and Dan is spending a day seeing what it is like to be an audio engineer......the morning is being spent at the office, meeting the boss and talking (hopefully) about the chance of having a job there.....either for the busy summer season (all the festivals/ Grand Prix etc) or a permanent position.....

Then after lunch he is heading out with Ian to a site they are working see the work in action!!!

I am so grateful to Samantha and Ian for organizing this....we are going to take them out for dinner in a few weeks as a thank you - because even if no job comes of it, they have given Dan the opportunity to see what his dream job is really all about - and it may be enough to inspire him to go to college or to look at other companies in the business.....

Anyway, I will post everything he tells me later :)

Susie and Sam on the rock......

And Charlie too :)

More pond pictures from last night.......

New life........

New life is sprouting in the garden.....plants are already starting to's lovely to see some pink amongst the green at last!

Look out!!!!

When Rosie gets out of the pond you'd better RUN...because she shakes and shakes until all that water is GONE lol!

Whats all that piggin' noise??????

Charlie came to see what all the fuss was down at the pond.....

Our non-swimmer.....

Amber will NOT swim......this is about as far into the water as she will go...she is a paddler but NOT a swimmer :) funny girl :) They are sisters but very very different in personality!

My olympic swimmer

As soon as the ice was gone, Rosie started swimming again......she just seems to LOVE being in the water...even when no one is with her she will just take off to the pond for a swim.....sometimes she would rather miss out ona walk with Amber and I to just swim by herself....crazy girl!!!

Last night we threw sticks into the water for her to fetch....its just her favourite favourite game - and her dives are pretty cool to watch too!

My beautiful Susannah

Susie was at a birthday party on Saturday and the Mom told her that she was just the nicest girl there...because she was so thoughtful and made sure everyone was having fun.....

Then the week before she was at another birthday party and the Mom there said how kind Susie was as she had been making sure everyone was happy :)

Susie is just the sweetest, most caring little girl......I'm very proud :)

I took this picture of her last night as the sun was going down :)

waiting.........for results

Round four of Iron Chef closed last night...I am sat here waiting to see if I made it through.....there were some amazing entries this round.....they should let us know by mid day so I am sat here twiddling my thumbs nervously waiting to see if I am in round 5........

I hate waiting.....I am hopeless at waiting.....I keep checking the scrappers haven website obsessively lol....

If you like scrapbooking then you should check out the forums at because its such a friendly group of scrapbookers from across the globe....

Come and join us!!!

Too fast............

The weekend just went too fast...It was such a nice weekend. The weather was gorgeous which always helps.....

I was sad yesterday because all our plans had to be changed and I thought the day would be ruined but it turned out to be for the best and it was a great day!

We woke up to no the well company came out and it looked as though our well had run dry - which is too funny as I had only written last week about how it won't run dry because we are over the largest underwater lake in North America!!! Well we are, but our well only goes 60 foot deep. So it should be deeper....

Anyway it turned out that a hose pipe had been left on in the barn which caused the lack of we have water again lol which is a good thing as today they were going to be delivering a 1000 gallon tank for us to use for water for 4 weeks until they could drill another well.......I was NOT looking forward to trying to cope on trucked in water for 4 weeks when there are 8 of us here!!!

Anyway we have water and all is well........well WELL hahahahahaha what a pun!

Lloyd has decided that as the well has to be filled in anyway (you are not allowed deep well holes any more because of gases that build up at the bottom of them and how they are generally unsafe we are going to ahve a new well drilled in a few weeks - this time it will be behind the house near the vegetable garden and we will have a tap at the top so we can water the garden will just be a pipe sticking out of the ground....

So we have Alberta First coming out to mark out where all our gas pipes and electricity cables etc are under the ground.......

So anyway.....we didn't go to the museum yesterday....we had to stay home most of the morning...then Lloyd, Dan and I went to Coscto to get the groceries....we normally go every 3 weeks but it has been more like 6 weeks since we last went to do a PROPER was fun...Dan said he didn't realise grocery shopping could be fun...

That was until we got to the check outs - it was sooooooo busy - th eline ups were ridiculous! It was like Christmas! I HATE how busy Sherwood Park is these won't be long before Sherwood Park needs two Costco's...a north AND a south store :( I don't think Dan was bothered - I guess he is used to line ups..

We went to Timmys and got Iced Caps....and then Dan and I ran into Sobeys to get a few things that Costco didn't have. Dan was jokingly cross because I'd called him 'camp' he started calling me Mom to make me feel old...he said it when we were near a guy filling shelves, so I told him he was not too old for a clip around the ear so I did lol!!! Anyway it was good fun shopping yesterday :)

When we came home Dan, Susie and I went for a cyle ride...we drove down our road and along to 222 and the junction with the Hwy.....we stopped to watch a Mountain dazzling as it flew from tree to tree....bright bright sky blue!!! It was only small though - smaller than the ones we had in our yard last year....

When we got home Dan went on the quad for a while and I took Abigail for a cycyle ride on her own - her first time cycling on the road....Charlie followed us tot he end of the driveway though so we had to call Dan and Lloyd to help get her was funny because Dan tried to pick Charlie up to carry her back into our yard but she squealed lol - and she is HEAVY!!! small but solid!!!

Abigail loved our cycle ride!

After I got back with Abby, Dan and I went for a run/ power walk over Marys was funny because it was our first run of the year and NOT easy lol...but we are wondering if we could do a 5km race by the end of the summer.....

Lloyd and I went on the quads a little later to search for Charlie who we had thought had followed Dan and I on our walk ...turns out she was hiding beside the chicken was a fun excuse to go out on the quads though.....Lloyd hosed them down today as they were sooooo muddy!

We didn't have dinner until 8pm.....I had a gorgeous salad with this new salad dressing spritzer I bought....I chose the Asian one and it is sooooo yummy and light - I love the spritzer bottles.....just spray a little on the salad :) Everyone else had cheese and onion toasted sandwiches....

Dan bought Night at the Museum on DVD for us all yesterday...we haven't had a chance to watch it yet but we will make a family movie night of it.....

Dan made lunch for today (he has gone to work for the day) and I made him and Lloyd some cheese and grainy dijon mustard sandwiches to take to work (Lloyds favourite)

So most of the day was spent outside enjoying the 18 or 19c is 19c again or will be by this afternoon....and tomorrow again!

Dan said if he blogs about his day - cycling, running, walking through all the fields, seeing mountain bluebirds ad then quadding...his friends will think he has been to an adventure camp for the day...rather than it being a typical summer day at our place lol!

It was a good day...I thought I would ache today but I don't - and I can't wait to go running or cycling again tonight!

Have a great week everyone!
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