Tuesday......I finally came downstairs at around 10:30am....haven't done that in a LONG time during the week......I was awake at 5am though and still awake when Lloyd left at around 5:20am......I finally managed to get back to sleep and woke up at 8:15 all groggy to find my coffee cold :(
I sat in bed and watched junk on tv after the news...how clean is your house and the mom show and other junk like that....then the girls came in to watch that show that follows pregnant couples throught he birth of their babies.......
Its almost mid day and I have not had any coffee yet so I feel hung over (although that coule be from the wine I had last night also lol)
Laurie is creating a new super hero who uses pepsi and mentoes to save the planet lol...Susie is doing somehting at the table......Abby is playing with Sam...they have tipped the toy box all over the floor......
I had a photo shoot last night (for a Jennifer Garner lookalike......DH and I both say C looks like Jennifer Garner!!!).......I soooooo wanted it to go well and to get some fabulous pictures for them......unfortunately the little girls were not in the mood for pictures....I think Sam had bribed them lol......I hope they like the pictures I got......
I am so frustrated with such a small studio.......I can't wait until next summer when the new studio is built...we are having a large red hip barn built and upstairs will be an in-law suite and photography studio...large, bright, airy...high ceilings..........
Right now I just feel frustrated at what I can accomplish here and what I can offer....I had such a great email a couple of days ago asking for me to do a large group portrait and I had to say no.......they even said how disappointed they were because they love my work so much...which is so nice to hear and makes it all the more frustrating......
Next year.....NEXT YEAR will be wonderful........
Abigail had a fever last night which meant Lloyd ended up driving into town to pick up some meds as were out........she seems a bit better today but not quite herself....and we all seem to have colds now................nothing much but enough to leave us feeling a bit flat.....
I want us all to be well for the party on Friday.
The girls came down and got me earlier and made me close my eyes and go upstairs to their room...when I walked in I found the message in the pictures above........very nice :)
I'm so glad I didn't bother to go out today......although I am off to drop off some pumpkins later!