Outside my window...everything is brown....Fall has reached that stage where all the leaves are just BROWN....it's kind of youcky looking now and not a very beautiful Fall view any more...the grass is brown, the trees are brown...the snow has gone and it has rained over night so the driveway is brown. Brown brown brown lol! That said, we have had lovely blue skies this afternoon and that has made a nice change to recent days! We are enjoying some warmer temperatures for a while.
I am thinking.......how glad I am for Henry VIII, that I wish I could have a quiet week this week, that my windows need cleaning BADLY. That I wish I had long flaming red hair like the character in Lloyds game (lol).
I am thankful for.......possibility, and my word of the year...courage. May courage continue to see me through 2009 xxxx
From the kitchen...making Jamie Oliver's Bombay Potatoes for supper tonight, which we're having with rice and a dark leafy salad and popadoms (sp???). I made flapjacks the other day (English style NOT pancakes lol) and Lloyd continues to bake bread regularly - two loaves every other day - and it is GOOD!!! VERY good!!!!! :) Love it :)
I am wearing...jeans and a brown long sleeved T which goes with a favourite scarf but I don't have the scarf on any more :)
I am creating......plenty in my art journal and on canvas. Painting on glass again...creating journals and decorative notebooks for other people....altering tins and jars and boxes for my craft room. Sewing....creating an advent calendar for December.
I am going......on holiday in 3 weeks........to be busier than I'd like to be this week.
I am reading.......for a project that I am working on....
I am hoping........for a a quiet winter with a lot of at-home time. I feel the need for it!!!
I am hearing...music coming from the family room....Lloyd and Sam chatting from the chair beside me as they play a game....Abigail chatting to them too....footsteps in the mudroom......
Around the house......lovely smells coming from the kitchen as dinner is almost ready.....the dogs were groomed today and are all trimmed and looking good now :) My truck was serviced and had it's winter tyres put on this week so I am all set for Winter. ...of course the very next day all the snow melted ;)
One of my favorite things......going to stroll around the Christmas displays at Greenland Garden Centre every year....I look forward to it each year. We have coffee there and stroll around looking at all the different colour/ theme displays....we did this today and it was a real treat! :)
A few plans for the rest of the week.....too many......and I just feel like staying home....I'm glad we had a lovely lazy weekend at home. The children had sleepovers/ birthday parties on Friday night and were tired/ grouchy on Saturday and a little today still (why on earth do parents let them stay up until 4am????? Then they are tired and grouchy and ILL for the parents the rest of the weekend and it isn't even fun for the kids for two days afterwards!!!!!! Why don't they have more sense?????) So they were happy to spend the weekend lazing about at home too......
10 hours ago