21 hours ago
Mar 10, 2010
Altered Starbucks Frappuccino Four-pack!!
And this is what they look like before they are altered:
A friend of mine came over today to 'play' in my craft room....so I thought we'd have a go at altering some Starbucks 4-packs!!! Laurence especially enjoyed this, because it meant we had to empty all 8 bottles!!! We emptied most into a big jug, but he enjoyed a couple ;)
Some people use these to store small scrapbooking supplies - some people fill them with small candies and give them as gifts - and some fill one with hot chocolate and the others with add-ins for the hot chocolate - like mini marshmallows etc....
Here is a picture midway through our crafting session:
Actually, thinking back, the room was actually fairly tidy at that point ;)
Porch guys - update.
At 10am no one was here so I phoned DH and he called their offices and was told 'they are on their way'.
10:30am - porch guys show up. Yep they seem to start work mid morning for some reason. I've left the dogs out there to 'help' - maybe they'll get more done with two eager workers ;) They haven't knocked or anything.
I just hope they are done by the time the day is done :( I am sooo tired of this. I've never known a company like it!
I have visitors today and Laurence home again - I am glad of the company. Visitors again tomorrow so if they are here agin tomorrow at least someone will be here then too.
10:30am - porch guys show up. Yep they seem to start work mid morning for some reason. I've left the dogs out there to 'help' - maybe they'll get more done with two eager workers ;) They haven't knocked or anything.
I just hope they are done by the time the day is done :( I am sooo tired of this. I've never known a company like it!
I have visitors today and Laurence home again - I am glad of the company. Visitors again tomorrow so if they are here agin tomorrow at least someone will be here then too.
Random Dozen...
1. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? About 4 years
2. Did you buy Girl Scout cookies this year? If so, what variety? I bought 2 boxes of the mint. I daren't buy more because it is ME that eats them all :(
3. Do you know how to ballroom dance? If not, would you like to? No I don't but yes I would LOVE to - I tried to get Lloyd to sign up for lessons with me - but he refused :(
4. Were you a responsible child/teenager? mostly yes. I didn't steal. I didn't mess around with boys. I didn't do drugs or smoke. I DID skip school a lot - but I still got good grades.
5. How many of this year's Oscar-nominated movies did you see? Two - Up!!! and Julie and Julia.
6. If you're going to have a medical procedure done, such as having blood drawn, is it easier for you to watch someone else having the procedure done or have it done yourself? Either - I don't mind things like that.
7. What is your favorite day of the week and why? I likes weekends because Lloyd is home. I like Mondays because it's the day I get the house straight and I get up early and we do a LOT...it feels quiet and normal and I feel like I have 'space' after the weekend of having everyone here.
8. Do you miss anyone right now? Lloyd - he's at work. Charlie - she would be loving this early Spring
9. Do hospitals make you queasy? No - I don't mind them at all - I like hospital food - I've worked in hospitals a lot.
10. At which store would you like to max-out your credit card. Not that you ever would, you responsible person, you. Pottery Barn
11. Are you true to the brand names of products/items? yes
12. Which is more difficult: looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when he/she is telling you how he/she feels? When he/ she tells me.
The clan
I picked these letters up at the thrift store yesterday for Sam to play with. Abigail ended up enjoying them the most! She spent ages writing out all of our names but didn't have enough letters to write them all so she used Laurence's nickname and instead of family she wrote 'clan' ;)
She also had to be creative in making letters ;)
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