We went to Michaels today and stocked up with craft supplies for a few projects I've been planning....including firework pictures for Guy Fawkes night on Monday. WE bought glitter in all kinds of colours, new paint in the primary colours and black and white...and numerous project kits for Christmas....
This evening I also printed off some number lines and umber charts for next week and I order Five In A Row which is a curriculum based on quality fiction. You can read more about it here: www.fiveinarow.com/fiar/
I ordered a book by Dr Ruth Beechick too www.homehearts.com/beechick.html
and some card games.
I'd like to get Chocolate Chip math but can't find it anywhere....
This morning Abigail whizzed through several pages of her math workbook..then spent a while on her math cdrom....next week I have 'lesson plans' for want of a better term.....basically I have aplan of activities to get through during the week....but we also have some field trips planned....I just hope I feel better and more able to face it all - this week I have been sick and had no energy to do much at all.....thankfully Abigail is happy to read or do her workbooks etc so it's been an easy week all round!
5 hours ago