I'm a soft touch when it comes to animals......I blame my Father ;)
I often wonder if people here care about animals.....I know some do...but generally? I am constantly told this is rural Alberta...animals are there to be hunted...to be eaten...and people don't care about them......if its a domestic pet they care more but often not much more.....
So when people hit a deer or porcupine with their car...do they care? Is it the dented fender they care about? Do they give the animal a second thought?
Tonight on the road home we saw a porcupine dead beside the road....did the driver care that they had killed it? Will they think about it tonight? Or does it not matter because it's 'just a porcupine'?
I sometimes wonder if people remember that we are actually in THEIR land....the animals home...we are slowly invading more and more of their home.......yet us humans are arrogant enough to think that they don't matter really - this is OUR land and we come first! Progress is progress...more roads, more subdivisions..more stores....more more more.....and the animals are just in the way...
Like the moose that wandered into a subdivision in Sherwwod Park on Easter Day....it had to be tranquilized to be moved out of the area but the stress caused it to die in transit.........
But when animals die out....when they get fewer and fewer it DOES have great repercussions on us...just look at the loss of bees in the US.......farmers are losing their crops FAST because of the loss of bees.....the loss of their little workers who pollenate the crops...............but they are just bees aren't they?????? I wish more people would appreciate the wildlife around here.....the small creatures as well as the larger ones.......
It makes me sad :(
7 hours ago