Aug 14, 2006

more pics from the water.............

So we had fun at the splash park...we got there at 10:30 and got home around was really nice to see Tasha again although it feels like I know her really well and see her a lot because of her blog!!! Blogs are strange in that way........It was funny when I got out a big box of Coscto two bite brownies and Hallie took 3 :) but I thought it was brilliant........very sensible if you ask me...if you like something take lots before they all go :) a girl after my own heart :)

I didn't see much of Abigail as she was off playing ...I did spot her one time running after a boy of about 8 trying to throw a bucketful of cold water at him!!!

When we were leaving to go home, the children wanted to play on the swings for a while so I left them there while I trekked the big bag of supplies back to the car............I sat in the car with the AC on and waited for them.....a few minutes later I saw Susie walking holding Sams hand......a few seconds later Laurie joined them....then Chris and then Abigail until they were all walking along together chatting and laughing......I soooo wish I had had a camera.....I just felt so proud watching my 5 gorgeous children walking along together.......I hope they stay so close as they get older...I hope homeschool brings that to us as a seems to be so far.........

It was a very special moment I am sad not to have on camera was in the trunk and was full :( but I will remember that moment in my mind forever.

Sam having fun fun fun in the water..........

Pictures from today...............

Did you notice Emersons face in the picture with Tasha and I?????? She looks seriously unimpressed with having to be so close to me!!!!

Return to the splashpark.........

Now I know Sh is safe and just forgot the day.....I can post about our day out!!!

Today we met Tasha (see party of five blog link on the right) and her three gorgeous children at the splashpark. I got there early and the park was empty......there was no water running so I was a bit worried that the park was closed again because of the water shortage......but we found out that you actually have to get the water going by pressing the hand markings.....

It was lovely having the place to ourselves for a while...we've never been there that early before........

More beautiful than flowers...............

I didn't use these barrel planters this they have been sat outside of the garage all summer and Cairo has started using them to curl up in :) He also loves to sit on the porch steps and watch the sun go down with us :)

Sunday says goodbye.......

Last nights sunset............

Rosie the olympic swimmer......

Rosie swims in the pond several times a day...she is almsot always wet and crimped.......crazy girl........her favourite things to do are siwm in the pond and play fetch with the ball........she's 7 months old now and so so smart...............


Isn't scooping dog poop just the loveliest job??????? NOT!!! Yuck! We were out most of today and then the children were playing inside because they were I left scooping poop until this evening......but they forecast storms and there is NOTHING worse than scooping soggy I decided to face the can two goldens poop so MUCH????? lol!!!

So anyway I cleared up the yard...and find myself singing the poop scooping song.......we have 16 acres....10 of which are likely places for poop lol! So I take the dogs for a walk (and ran part of it) and I sing to them.....'We're going on a poop hunt, a poop hunt....a poop hunt....we're going on a poop hunt to see what poop we find.......'

Yes ok I know I have totally lost my marbles......but for some reason I find myself singing this song every time.........

Lloyd was out cutting the grass with Sam so I stayed outside afterwards and threw the ball for the dogs.........Sam found a frog so once he had finished holding it I carried it down to the pond.......threwe more balls......tidied up the sand toys and covered the sand box before it rains........................

Now I have time to Sit and write my blog........

The pics above are of Amber my two year old......................
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