I got some good news today...my pot dealer is going in to MASS production - how cool is that??????? lol! Too funny! I wish....sigh......but I think she's just a tease!!!! ;)
Today is a nice lazy day at home....the kind I like. Laurie woke with a migraine and so stayed home. He lazed in bed all morning and then I took him tea and toast at lunchtime and now he's fine...playing with Sam.
Abigail and I played word bingo on the bed for a while - I need to make up some new boards with more difficult words as these are far too simple for her. We then played Go Fish for a while. Sam and Abby played in the bath for a while.
I sat in bed and read my Martha Stewart Body and Soul magazine....and watched the Martha show about their new Body Challenge.
Abigail played on Webkinz for a while. Now Chris and Susie are about to get home as its early out. Lauries on the phone to his girlfriend already - he was supposed to go there after school today to hang out but of course can't. I think I may run down to the mail box..I'm waiting for a few packages and the fresh air might be nice.
It's date night tonight...we were going to A Taste of India but I think Lloyds changed his mind about that lol so we may end up in Joey Tomatoes again...like he says - we try other restaurants and we always wish we had gone to Joeys. And I can have a few Bellini's anyway Mmmmmmm
Tomorrow is breakfast at Esso :) that is if all my children are at school!
Today has been a lovely lazy day at home. Friday I think we may head to the science centre...or Lets Play.....hmmm maybe we'll go to Lets Play after breakfast tomorrow.....
I've been using weights for a week now....oh - I have pictures to add from yesterday.