7 hours ago
Feb 9, 2010
Random Dozen...
1. Are you pleasant when you're ill, or are you a grumpy, fussy patient? If I get a cold then I am like a man with a cold - I am pathetic and I am DYING....I am really REALLY pathetic. This is why I take high dose garlic capsules and never really get colds. I also now have my kids taking them lol and they swear by them too :) Only the two little ones get the odd cold now because they don't take them....and luckily they just get sniffles. Oh and Lloyd will get the odd sniffle because he's a total pussy and won't swallow capsules. I put a lot of garlic in our food though ;)
2. When you find out that school is canceled (due to inclement weather) what is your gut reaction? I am usually happy - it makes for a lovely relaxing day - I love having the kids home.
3. What is one domestic skill you wish you could improve? I wish I was more of a morning person. It would make me a better mother.
4. Do you decorate your home for Valentine's Day? Yes - not overly - but we decorate a Valentine tree with hearts and hang candies on it - we have heart dishes and window clings and the children make decorations. I usually buy paper plates etc too and we have balloons this year.
5. What song is on your mind today? I was driving along in thick fog this morning and the song that came on the radio was 'I can See Clearly Now The Rain Is Gone'......when it got to the part that say's 'It's gonna be a bright sunshiney day' I couldn't help laughing.....it just seemed a little ironic because I ccould barely see in front of me on the highway....That said, it IS now bright and sunny lol - so maybe the song was MEANT to be ;)
6. Do you prefer contemporary music or classic? It really depends on my mood - I love all kinds of music but I have to be in the mood or I have to switch it off. Even my favourite cd's can annoy me like crazy if I'm not in the mood for them. Sometimes I need silence. I find noise clutter overwhelming. I can't deal well with background noise - I need silence when I'm on the phone - which is why I avoid the phone. I wouldn't be able to cope in an open plan office. I have cd's from every era - note I said cd's - I gave my ipod to my Daughter and I still haven't gotten around to putting music on to my iphone - even though Lloyd gave me a cd player/ iphone docking station for Christmas!!
7. How well do you "compartmentalize" your feelings? For example, how well can you put aside a really trying moment to deal with the immediate situation which is not related to the trying moment, e.g., putting aside a tiff with your spouse in order to finish wallpapering a room? If you give me a few minutes then I'm fine - I just need a few minutes!! I have Mars in Aries. Quick to fire up - quick to calm down. Let me step outside quickly and take a breather and I can move on....
8. What is the first thing that attracted you to your spouse? (Or if you're single, to your best friend.) Well, I've known Lloyd since I was 8......BUT.....when we finally fell 'in love' I would say it was his voice (because we spent hours talking by phone) and his Emails that showed how much we ha in common.....
9. When was the last time your heart raced? Sometimes when I am passing, I will open the bottle of Oscar for Men and sniff it.....and it makes my tummy do flips :) It smells sooooooo good and smells of Lloyd :) The other time I'm thinking about, I can't write about.....lol
10. What are your memories of Valentine's Day at school? Two memories stick out - one is when I was about 5 and I remember taking ages to make my very first valentine card for Carl Docking - my first love - the boy of a farmer in the village. I remember drawing round my Moms small heart shaped cake tin to make the card. His Gran worked in the village store, and we went in the store on the way to school (we walked to school) and my Mom TOLD his Gran that I had made him the card......I was MORTIFIED!!!!! I don't think she told him though, because for some reason he thought Amanda Dabinett had given it to him - PHEW!!! :)
The other memory was when I was about 14 and a boy called Richard Tucker gave me a card and a box of Black Magic chocolates. Actually he gave me a box of chocolates almost every year through secondary school. He loved me lol - what can I say??? Lloyd gave me cards but never chocolate.....pppffftt Lloyd why WAS that????? Maybe I would have been interested in Lloyd back then if he had given me chocolates!! Hahahaha lol - anyway I'm getting off topic....Richard gave me these chocolates but sadly my heart was only interested in Jason Irvine.....a boy I sat beside in math - so I shared my chocolates with Jason in math class :) Poor Richard! Yet he didn't give up - he still ept asking me out - even at 16/ 17......
11. If you were going to receive candy for Valentine's Day, which would you prefer?
I don't know - any I guess - I love chocolate! My favourite was when Lloyd bought me a big red velvet heart shaped chocolate box - I kept the box afterwards because it was so gorgeous!!
12. Red or pink? I don't think I mind either.....Red is lovely but a Valentine is a Valentine and it's just lovely to receive them no matter what :) It's a romantic, wonderful excuse to be slushy - there is so much depressing news and stuff in the world that I think any excuse to spoil each other with hugs and kisses - and chocolate should be taken advantage of :)
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