Does it taste good?????

After endless temperatures of above 26c it is soooooo nice to have this cooler weather...I think they forecast 22c today and it is cloudy and raining. LOVELY!!! The morning was dry so we were outside for quite a while.....Sam and I pottered about, fed the chickens and checked for eggs, cleaned up the yard, played in the sandbox and with the water tables, walked around.....Laurie was on his bike and Abby was running laps around the house....Sam had fun running about whenever I yelled Ready Steady Go! He can say 'go' now.
We played outside until the rain started...Sam didn't want to come inside so we stayed out until the rain got too heavy and then came in.......poor Sam stood by the front door looking out at the rain so sad that he couldn't go out.......
Kr sent me pics of her new puppy Sam. OMG he is the dearest little thing!! Such sad eyes! A chocolate lab.......totally adorable!
The journalist wrote back about the religion article she is writing...she sent a list of questions that I have replied to....for the most part.......two questions I need to think about before replying to........Lloyd asked me what I get out of it......well I get the feeling that I have done something about this bothers me that 'society' seems to connect religious belief with high morals and virtues........when the two need not have any connection at all......
Why should the fact that I am athiest mean that I have no manners or morals?????? That I am not a good person.......
All in all its becoming a really nice relaxing day...the children are all busy doing 'stuff'...a couple of them are playing Jenga....Laurie has been watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang which he borrowed from the library and is an old favourite of his........he was on his bike for quite a while this morning so is having some down time......Susie is colouring with Sam.......she wanted to bake but the chickens didn't lay any eggs today so we have no eggs.......28 chickens and no eggs!!! How funny!
Lloyd has phoned a few times and is hoping to be home from work fairly soon......
The weekend starts here!!!!!