Sleepy, fatigued, EXHAUSTED!!!!!!
Yep, this afternoon I am tired.
Abigail has been making necklaces and is now making and decorating a crown.....Sam has been colouring and cutting at the table....
I have been vacuuming and washing floors, making lunches, tidying the kitchen, doing laundry, changing bums, moving furniture...and now I am tired......
It's been a fun day though. I dropped Abigail at preschool this morning (late because I had broken her necklace and beads went everywhere and Abby was upset) and then Sam and I headed to the retsaurant on Hwy 21 and met Christie for breakfast.....Sam had bacon and pancake, I had pancakes and then enjoyed watching CHristie eat her breakfast with fascination! That was funny....only because she eats like a Canadian (lol Christie!!)
After breakfast we headed back to my house for tea and then went to pick Abigail up from preschool.....
Back to my house for Emergency Choccy Cake (which helped calm the stress from Sam spraying pink juice everywhere and then flooding the mud room while he 'tried' to help mop up!!!
Then Christie was trying to get pictures of my butt..then I took pictures of her butt...
OMG CHristie doesn't our morning sound Bizarre????? rotflmao....and then of course we HAD to have the panties conversation and Christie called me an OLD pervert I don't mind but OLD??????? OLD????
It was a fun morning...I hope you weren't home late Christie.....(the van got stuck on my driveway for a while)......
After Christie left is when I started cleaning up this place and the kids did their craft stuff and now I am waiting for the kids to get home from school. Luckily the first thing Laurence and Chris ask me when they get home is 'would you like a cup of coffee?' and often I say no thank you but today I will say YES PLEASE!!!!! Coffee would be good :)
Lloyd will be home just in time to take the girls to dance class.....I plan to colour my hair and soak in the bath tonight as I am out tomorrow night and want to hide my roots :)
I am not sure when to do dinner for tonight though...I may do a snack for the girls before dance and then do dinner while they are gone......time might be tight.....