This morning Chris had a shift at the library to work, so I dropped him at the Mall at 10am and then we headed to Millennium Place (a large recreation centre) for a few hours. Laurence and Susannah headed to the ice rink to skate for a while and then the gymnasium to play badminton and soccer. While they were in there I took Abigail and Samuel into the indoor playground as I'd arranged to meet Sh and her two beautiful little girls (her very VERY special little baby who was born on MY birthday!!!!)
The playground was soooooo busy. It was pouring with rain outside so I guess everyone headed there to get the kids out of the house! Sh introduced me to a lady from LP.....its always nice to put faces to names!!!
They have a new bouncy castle in the indoor playground now so Abigail and K had fun on there.
We went out to the tables for snacks and coffee halfway through and then when Sh was ready to go I walked out to the car with her to give her the baby clothes I had saved for her......So yes....the last of my baby and toddler clothes are now gone.......how sad that we won't need them any more. We also gave her the Tigger bouncer........we have so many memories of Sam and Abby jumping about in that.....
I went back inside and had lunch with my 4......then Susie and Laurie headed into the Sport Zone for the over 8's for a while and I walked around with Sam and Abby and then took them back into the indoor playground for a while until Sam was getting sleepy.......we headed home around 2pm..................
We checked the mail box and Yay another homeschool magazine! I got one yesterday too...Homeschooling Horizons arived yesterday and today The Old Schoolhouse arrived.
Lloyd is finishing work early today (yay a 3 day weekend!!!) and picking Chris up from his friends house on the way home......although I wouldn't be surprised to get a phone call from Chris asking if he can sleep over!
I'm tired today. Aunt Flo arrived. What fun! I was going to go swimming so we took all the swimming things but not today.........maybe next week.......I've promised the children we will head back next week and Chris can come with us to the sports zone.................