This morning we went over to have coffee with Val and to meet her new puppy, Dakota. Here are a few pictures of Abigail cuddling little dakota!!
I have to admit that Dakota is VERY cute!! I had some cuddles with her too and she snuggled up in my arms like a tiny baby! Very sweet! Sam and Abby both kept asking where her eyes were - both sure they had disappeared ;) In the end, Sam and Abby plotted to steal Dakota, and got my truck keys, and the puppy, and got in the truck with her, ready to bring her home with us :)
Me? I would have rather stolen the banana chocolate chip muffins ;) At least they don't poop lol - you don't have to clean up after them - and they were VERY yummy!!! :)
Thanks for having us over Val!!! And for the pile of books I came home with!!!! :)