I'm writing more because I'm on the laptop sat in bed and have no access to pictures (lol) so you have to put up with my ramblings instead! Oh the joys of wireless internet!
It's going to be 26c again today :) Woohoo!!!! :) Last night we had dinner out by the fire pit - potatoes baked in the fire with salad and it was so lovely and the children were all in tshirts and shorts :) Val came over for the afternoon and I took Fall pictures of her children - the only problem is that really that didn't come out all that great because they all look like Summer pictures - the sun was so bright and the children were in tshirts and Summery clothes because of the heat! So Val - if you want some more taken when its much cooler just let me know! Sometimes they're better on cloudy days without the bright sun! More Fall-like! Lol!
Today we are meeting Val at the Esso for breakfast and then Sam and I are off to town as he has Pre-K class all afternoon. We have to wait in town a little afterwards and meet Chris from the bus. Lloyd is meeting a friend for dinner tonight downtown so Chris is getting the transit home.
Tuesday night the girls had dance and we had the bookmobile at the playground outside the hall where the girls have dance. As the weather was so gorgeous we spent the whole evening in the playground. Lloyd was pushing Sam on the swings etc and I got chatting with one of the Moms there who has a Daughter in Susannahs dance class. She spent the Summer in the UK travelling around so was telling me all about that and how much things cost there compared to here (ie the price of a McD's meal and the price of a ticket to get in somewhere etc etc, the price of deli meat etc etc) She has boys who will probably be in Sams class at school if we are still here then (hope not!!)
Well I have to leave in 30 minutes so really should get out of bed!!! Byeeeeeeee!!!
7 hours ago