Lloyd stopped off to get milk on his way home from work and also brought me home these beautiful roses to cheer me up on this miserable snowy day in April! I'm so glad I picked today to make him his favourite dinner :)
Thank you baby - they're gorgeous!!! A deep, dark, velverty red!And perfect for playing about with my macro lens :)
i think tomorrow I'm going to flick water at them and take pictures of them like that ;)
At home due to the weather, snowed in, in April lol.......it's driving me KWAZY!!!!!!!
The roses defintely cheered me up :)
Off to make my gorgeous hubby a cup of tea :)
(this picture didn't come out well because my flash batteries need charging - and I can't be bothered to wait so I edited it BADLY lol....but thats why its so crappy)