Nov 4, 2007

Lloyd found this VERY funny

I'm far too innocent to find this mind is pure....unlike the person who sent me this OBVIOUSLY!!!! lol!

For over 18's only ;)


Today has been a nice day...fairly relaxing....had a lazy morning in ed enjoying the extra hour sleep that comes from the clocks going back. We had coffee and croissants in bed too :)

I sat in bed and wrote my Christmas cards (Hhmmm maybe it had something to do with the snow falling last night but I had this urge to write my Christmas card list and my cards)!!!

We drove into town and got Chris's optometry prescription then headed to the mall...lloyd went off with Chris to order his glasses while I took the others to the library...we got some great books - several of the books for Five In A Row were in so I got those too...we also borrowed The Wizard of Oz on dvd and also the movie Eight Below - which we may watch after dinner.....

After the library we drove to pick Laurie up and then we headed home...played outside in the snow for a while and I took all the pictures below.....Lloyd ahs been clearing out the basement as some workmen will be here on Thursday......

I have been tidying up a bit and doing laundry......and blogging all my pictures....and now I am off to make a shepherds pie for supper......

Sam goes sledding...

Susannah pulled Samuel around on the sled for a while this afternoon...the clocks went back last night (this year the summertime was extended for the first time - so clocks went forward three weeks earlier and back one week later - it made a big difference and I don't know whay they didn't do this years ago!) and its now 4:30pm and the sun is starting to go down.......tomorrow it will be dark when Lloyd goes to work and dark when he comes home :(


Sam was fascinated by the snow and ice today :)

Cairo and Jasper venture out....

Jaspers first experience of snow!!!

Charlie ventures out in the snow.....

I had to tempt Charlie out of her warm cozy heated bed by offering her Timbits...she wasn't too impressed and was quick to head back into the warmth of the workshop....


Where is your blog???????

Enjoy it while it lasts!!!

The girls were up and outside early to enjoy the snow!!!

First snow....

It was snowing when we went to bed last night...I stood in the bedroom window for a while watching the snow pretty! This morning it was so pretty to wake up to the snow everywhere :)

The temp is supposed to rise again so I don't think this snow will hang around...but its pretty while it lasts!

I've been tagged!

Donna - who runs and who blogs at: has tagged me!! You can check out Donnas amazing handmade cards on her blog too!

I have to think up seven weird things about me! Now this is difficult because I am so perfect and so very normal so I struggle to think of anything weird about me....its everyone else thats WEIRD!!! lol!!!! hehehehehe! Lloyd just said he doesn't think it would be hard at all to think of 7 weird things about me.....I'm hurt :( lol!

Ok here goes:

I suck my thumb. But not only do I suck my thumb, I also have to do this weird skin rubbing while I suck my the skin on my wrists is so soft, so I have to rub my wrists together and sometimes I have to rub my soft wrist over my cheek.....omg now you all know I'm nuts! I can ONLY suck my thumb just after I have washed my hands though...if I've touched anything I can't suck my thumb - and I hate having anyone touch my thumb...

When I get into bed I do the 'cat thing'......I have to kind of rub my feet up and down the sheet...kind of move my legs up and down the bed until I'm kind of can take a few minutes!

I like really hot baths...really REALLY hot baths. Like SCALDING hot as you get in......but then after a few minutes I get too hot and run the cold tap until its luke warm.....and then just before I get out of the bath I have to make it REALLY hot again so that I'm not cold when I get out.

I don't like mixing sweet with savoury. the idea of peanut butter and jam together grosses me out. This week I tried Fireweed Honey on toast for the first time...I liked it the first time but then it grossed me out and I can't try it again lol!

I've put gas in my vehicle once in the 12 years I have been driving. Magically my vehicles have all refilled by themselves :) I HAD to put gas in my truck this July in Jasper. I ended up leaving the gas cap off and driving to Maligne Canyon with it hanging open. So I have not refilled it since :)

I'm an athiest yet have my children in a VERY religious Catholic school.....I guess that would seem weird to some!

I love to have my toe nails painted but can not BEAR the feeling of having nail polish on my finger nails.

I'm kind of pleased because that REALLY was a struggle :) which just goes to show I've been right all's me thats normal and the rest of the world thats nuts :)

I'm supposed to tag people now - but will just say - if you have ablog then you've been tagged :)
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