Jun 18, 2007

18 Dollars!!!!!

Lloyd spent $18 on DONUTS today!!!!!! EIGHTEEN DOLLARS!!!

I think thats insane! A friend of his is selling Krispy CReme donuts for his DS...a fundraiser for something......so he bought 2 boxes...at $9 a box!!! So 24 donuts for $18!!!!

I don't even like them either :(

Maybe I wouldn't be so stunned if it was something I liked lol!

The kids are happy anyway..and as Lloyd keeps telling me.....they're not just donuts...they're KRISPY CREMES!!!

Still.......eighteen dollars!!!!! On donuts!! Tim Hortons is waaaaaaay cheaper!

Be Happy............

Just i case anyone here was looking for some 'happy' in their lives....I've looked a few things up and found some good websites.....hope they help.....even just a little!






Samsam on the climbing frame.............

Just hangin' around......

Abigail loves to hang from anything and everything.....she loves the monkey bars...hanging from fences...trees....doesn't matter what...so she had fun hanging from the slide today!

Fun on the slide.........

The climbing frame isn't finished yet but that didn't stop Abby and Sam having fun this morning.....

Mr Fox....

Mr Fox enjoying sitting in the rain shower this afternoon.....the rain has now stopped and the sky is blue in places again :)

You can click on the pics to see them more clearly!

A weekend to myself....

Cheerios Addict asked me:" if you had a weekend all to yourself at home, what would you do?"

You know...I'm not sure....normally when I know I will have time to myself, I make a lot of plans.....but never do anything...I end up sitting and wasting the whole time WAITING for everyone to come home. I'm not sure I would want a whole weekend on my own.....I'd miss Lloyd too much and the house would be way too quiet without the children....

pathetic huh??? lol.....

I would more than likely pass the time on the computer wanting it to go fast!

But even though I probably wouldn't do any of it...I would PLAN to:

soak in the bath
read a LOT
watch dvd's
walk the dogs alone and not feel guilty for saying no to whoever asked if they could join me......
scrapbook, paint, bake...

And I would drive to the local store and buy lots of junk food so I don't have to cook or do dishes or anything.....

Its here...

A storm just blew in...it looks as though there is a blizzard outside but its really just dandelion seeds on their little parachutes blowing everywhere! I have closed up the chicken coop and tidied up outside from this morning because I could see the dark skies over Edmonton coming towards us...and then WOOSH and the wind hits us on the porch :) It's lovely :)

Testicle tug-o-war.....


How hard do you have to pull to pull off a testicle???? OMG!!! Ouch!!! I'm trying to imagine but HOW???? HOW????? How on earth do you pull one off?????? biting it off...cutting it off....but PULLING it off???????

Monday and the sun is shining again...

It's really warm again today :) We've spent much of the morning outside...my house is a mess...lots to do before my Mom arrives on Wednesday but the children just want to be outside and they can't be out there alone...so everything else will wait.

Lloyd emailed me and said to just enjoy being outside and then he will help me tonight!

We only got three eggs this morning......we will check again this afternoon to see if any more have been laid.....we've watered the vegetable garden (we have a tomato at last!!!!!!)..... the strawberries are doing well....watermelons are growing....in fact everything but my carrots!!!!! Come on carrots!!!! and something is eating my corn as soon as it grows :( so I don't think we will be getting any corn this year!!!

The rhubarb needs cutting.......

Abigail practiced on her bike...and they both had great fun on the slide...

Then they got the butterfly nets again and caught a few to look at....I think their favourite part is letting them go :)

Now its lunchtime and then I think we may go for a walk........

I took my tablets late last night so I am quite groggy today.....

I have no appetite...I forced myself to have breakfast but really didn't want it.....

Oh and I vacuumed again this morning.....its amazing how much sand and grass and 'stuff' ends up in the house in such a short time in Summer!

A Fathers Day Sunset for you.......

Scenes from Our Sunday............

A few pictures of our Sunday at home...the climbing frame is coming along but still not finished.....the slide is on now though so at least the children can play on that...just the roof to be finished, the monkey bars added and the swings attached!


Lloyds Fathers Day gift was a bbq which he set up on the porch in time for dinner :)

Corn on the cob for for the first time this year and it was lovely......

Hummingbird feeder

The top pictures are of my newest Hummingbird feeder....we wanted one the same as the one last year but they ahve changed the colour/ style a little......still, it still looks like an old fashioned lantern so they kind of match and are so much nicer than the cheap plasticy feeders that we have at the back of the house...

The bottom picture is of a hummingbird on the feeder outside of the kitchen window.....you can click the picture to make it bigger......maybe this will show people back home just how tiny hummers are!! All my other pictures end up making these little birds look huge!
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