This morning I was up when Lloyd left for his conference. I chatted with Monica via email for a while and then we headed out to the pool. Chris was still in bed when we left. He's at drama rehearsals right now so I will run out and get him in a little while.
I picked up Lauries friend Chris and then drove out to Range Road 200 to get Susies friend Melissa. It's pretty out there but to be honest It's just too far out for me. (Sorry Patti!) I guess if you use Tofield a lot it's ok but as Sherwood Park is our main base, it's just too far. The drive along Wye (a road I don't like) is just toooooooo long! It took FOREVER!!!!!! OMG!!! I just wouldn't want to do that every day!
I feel so grateful that we live where we live - just 12 minutes out of town - 10 minutes from Whitemud Meadows. 21 minutes from South Ed Common yet still in a rural location with a pretty acreage. No long commute.
Anyway.....we headed into town to Millennium Place and Laurie THEN asked if I had his swim bag! Uhhhhh NO!!!! You are 12 Laurie you are old enough to be responsible for your own things WHY would I have your bag?????????????????
After making him sweat I said that if the Running Room has something on sale I would get it and he could still swim......they didn't have any trunks on sale but they did have running shorts in small on sale that the guy said some use for swimming - so I got those and he can run in them in the Summer with me too so that works fine...and HE is paying HALF!!!!!!! Ggggrrrrrr.
Finally get in the pool and it was fun :) They had the big inflatable up in the lap pool so the older four went in there for a while....Abigail was practicing her swimming...Sam was practicing his surfing-dude impressions in the waves on the big foam shapes...as well as enjoying the slide....
We got out of the pool at 12:30pm and left MP at 1pm.
I waited for the older 4 in Reception and just as they were walking over I saw this little girl of about 4 or 5 wandering around crying - she walked over to the elevator calling 'Mommy' and pressed the button....I heard some other Moms saying how she had been wandering around 'for ages' looking for her Mom (uh?????????) so I walked over to her and got down on my knees and held her hands and asked if she was lost...she said said she was and so I said I'd help her find her Mommy - I was so scared she was going to get into the elevator and end up who-knows-where!!!!!! Why were these other moms watching her 'for ages'???????? Poor little thing was so scared!!! So I took her to reception and they called out for her Mom and a few minutes later I saw her with her Mom being kissed all over and looking VERY happy :)
I just can't understand why those other Moms were watching her wander around crying and scared - all they had to do was get someone who worked there. What worries me is that the doors in the reception there are AUTOMATIC and lead out to a busy parking lot!!!!!!! Anything could have happened!!!!! GEEZ what would they have wanted to happen if it was their child??????Are people so scared these days that they don't do anything but watch??????????
So after that we headed to McDonalds up on Baseline/ Broadmoor. We met Melissas Mom, Brenda for lunch.....it was funny because Melissa ordered a large meal when she meant to order a normal one. I always order myself a mcHappy Meal - I get a McHappy Meal with a Hamburger - it means I get an extra toy for the kids and I give half my fries to Abby or whoever because i don't like fries much so just a few is enough....anyway there is me with my little meal and there is Melissa who is 9 with her MEGA box of fries :)
We take our time over lunch...the kids all have dessert......and then Chris's Grandma arrives for him...........and then we headed to the scrapbook store......I got a couple of things for Glenda...then we headed home......I threw in all the swimming laundry into the machine.....it is now in the tumble dryer....
Now I am really tired. Lloyd is finishing at 6pm then picking himself up something at wokbox.
Chris is home now. He's tired - his drama session was long and exhausting by the sounds of things. They are working on a version of Pinocchio...with a twist....
I am going to relax with my Martha Stewart Body and Soul magazine for the evening :)
Preferably in the bath :)
Tomorrow I am planning a lovely relaxing lazy morning doing nothing much. In the afternoon we are going to the Raptor Centre to see the Owls and hopefully to get more owl pellets :) Tomorrow night is date night but to be honest I don't think we will be going anywhere - I think we will have a lazy night at home. this week is busy enough! I guess we'll see how we feel then but a night at home would be good!
Mean Mom has already said thats it for the week now for taking friends places! We're meeting friends on Friday and Susie has a party on Saturday - we're still doing things....they can still see there friends - just not here or not with me planning it :)