Yesterday Abigail and I 'went country' and took a drive out to Rhonda's house!!! (You can find Rhonda's blog at the 'Going Country' link to the right). Actually Rhonda only lives about five minutes from us - a little further along the highway - and closer to the lake! It's very beautiful there! Rhonda's husband built their home last year and it's STUNNING!!! You can see the building process on their blog and I was excited to see the house for real!! Rhonda you have a beautiful home! Just gorgeous! And in such a beautiful setting too!
Abigail had a wonderful time playing with Rhondas three gorgeous children while Rhonda gave me a tour of the house and we sat and had tea (I think I disappointed Rhonda greatly as I wasn't so good with a teapot even though I'm British and I admitted that I make my tea in a mug - I think I let my Nation down hahahahaha)!!
Abigail loved meeting the horses and donkey! Feeding them and getting in the pen and actually RIDING them!!! Of course this has only increased her desire for her own pony!!! Daddy (for some insane reason) told her she could have one when she is 8!!! So now she is horse mad and it's all she thinks about!
Thank you for a lovely morning Rhonda!