Aug 30, 2007

Please consider sponsoring me...

Please do consider sponsoring me to run 5k and raise funds for this wonderful cause - all money raised goes to The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. I am not yet half way to my goal of $300 and every little bit helps! You can pay via credit card by clicking the above link....(participant: Jane Thorpe, location: Edmonton) or you can send cash or cheque to me - please make it payable to Jane Fernandez and then I will add your donation via credit card so you will see your name and amount on my site and will receive an official thank you! All donations need to be received prior to the run on September 30th.

Please remember that every little helps! You can sponsor me from across the globe - either by credit card or with cash.....(if you would like to pay in pounds via cheque then please make British cheques payable to Lloyd Thorpe and he can pay them into his UK account and we can again use our credit cards to add the amount to my site....

I hope that makes sense :)

Gorgeous day...

With a forecast of 27c today we are off to the lake again. Susie has her friend Hayley staying and they are busy scrapbooking at the table - I took some pictures of them this morning and printed them off....Susie is using the supplies we bought last week on our trek to the scrapbook store :)

Oh and BIG news - Sam used the potty this morning!!! For the very first time - only problem being that he wants to pee standing up - just like his Daddy - and of course if you pee from high up in a potty, it splashes EVERYWHERE!!! Still, he did it! What a big boy :)

Tonight I get my quad bike back from the garage - yay :) I can't wait to ride it and be able to go out with the girls on theirs....and Laurie will be thrilled to go out on it too :)

Have a great day everyone - enjoy the gorgeous weather :)
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