Chris is at work today....Lloyd took him in and I am supposed to be going into town later to run some errands and pick him up......but Abigail is still sick (since Monday night) and is hacking away :( and Sam is tired (although happily eating his way through an entire packet of Rich Tea Biscuits) and I feel crappy so I suggested to Lloyd that we go tonight instead......then at least I have help.......because we have to take the kids for shoes and also for passport type pictures.......and I am not sure I have the patience to tackle it all on my own with sick and tired kids.......
Laurence has been practicing magic tricks all morning...from a show he watched.......he did this cool one where he got me to snap a q-tip and then he made it all fixed again.........and now Abby is making a marble disappear ;) magic must be in the air because Christies DS loves magic too....mine have all gone through the magic craze in the past.....a few months ago it was ALL they did for weeks.......but they haven't done any for weeks.....
And now Susie has been flicking through her recipe magazines and found the 'perfect' sugar cookie recipe so is busy baking in the kitchen...........I will add the pics later............right now the vanilla smell is very strong so not sure how much she used ;)
Tomorrow we are off to Daisy's Halloween party so long as we are all well...please be well everyone as I really want to go!!!!!
5 days ago