It's hot again today and I'm hiding inside for a little while. I HEART air conditioning. I still HEART my short hair too :) Super easy to live with :)
I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch today but our plans changed and I'm probably meeting her tomorrow now. Along with Susannah we're catching a chickflick together :)
This morning I chatted with my nephew on the phone which was nice. We talked about him maybe coming over to visit with us which would be nice :)
This morning we also headed into town to the big yard sale at the garden centre - which is really a car boot sale. I didn't get anything but Chris bought himself a Uni-cycle!!!! And the others bought themselves the typical yard sale type 'stuff' - polly pocket things and transformers etc.
Afterwards we picked Laurie up from his sleepovers (he's been there two nights) and then we drove around a couple of subdivisions before heading home.
I phoned my Mom for a chat and Lloyd has been out with the tractor filling holes while I hide inside in the cool.
Tonight we are off to the Edmonton Raceway to watch some cars race and crash - hopefully it will cool off but we don't plan to stay for too long - we have free tickets that I 'earned' by taking pictures of the cars a few weeks ago!!
Thats our Saturday. I was in the sun too much yesterday and my neck is sore. I am lovely and tanned but I don't want to be in the sun too much today. I'd rather be in the cool of my house thank you very much!