Another Sunday post :)
Its been a really nice day...this afternoon we took the children to see Shrek the Third...GREAT movie :) I particularly liked how they showed Sleeping Beauty had Narcolepsy :)
And I liked the Kings funeral - he was pushed into the fountain in a shoebox :) it was quite emotional!!
When we got back from the movies, I went for a run with Laurie, Susie and Chris (well, actually CHris sprinted ahead so wasn't really with us)
Halfway up our Range Road, a young moose stepped out from the hedge into the road.....It stared at us for a while and then crossed the road and ran into the field opposite......It was about 15 metres ahead of us.....
We waited in case the Mother appeared but nothing else did so we ran took me a while to get going today but Laurence encouraged me to stick with it.....its soooo much easier running downhill lol! I got home and did some stretching and just now I ran the driveway and back with Abby too. My top right leg is hurting though despite warming up and stretching so I will have to watch that.
When we got back from the run, Lloyd had started a fire in the fire pit.....baked potatoes under the fire and the children had hotdogs and roasted marshmallows....
I have pictures but not sure if I will upload them tonight.
The children have been playing etc....and I got on the trampoline for a while too - until Sam got on as well and I had to stop bouncing because otherwise he gets bounced too high!
We have heard a few rumbles of thunder so maybe we will get a storm to cool things down....the car thermometer said 24c earlier......I think its about 19 at the moment......
I hope you had a great weekend! What were you all up to?
11 hours ago