We took my Mom and Nephew to the airport yesterday for their flight back to the UK.....before we left we took the above pictures.....
We got their baggage checked in and then went up to watch the planes for a few minutes before saying goodbye and then racing back upstairs to watch them go through security......
After that we headed home via McDonalds......what a cool McD's...it has a train for tables so Sam sat on the train and ate EVERYTHING...which is unusual!
We came home and pottered about outside for a while picking tomatoes (first of the season!) and strawberries...some blackcurrants.....raspberries....
We were in bed shortly after 9pm....exhausted! Although I sat up and watched a fab show...DiagnosisX.....its a real life show about Doctors trying to make diagnoses of werid illnesses.....last nights illness was hypogonadism......very interesting story....of course Laurie now LOVES this new word....hypogonadism!! lol!
Today the house is very relaxed and lazy......I ran to the store for milk.....I'm about to wash the windows which are filthy....Chris has cycled to his friend.....Laurie has tried to round up some friends but they all seem to be away....Susie and Abby are busy bugcatching with a kit my Mom gave them.....I have a guy coming shortly to see to the air conditioning unit - they are replacing the cover for us because the well company dented it when they were digging....
Tomorrow I have LaZBoy coming out to deliver our foot stool and also to have a look at the sofas...the leather was supposed to be triple dyed so it should not be peeling off noticeably...but it is badly...........so they are coming to look at it tomorrow and will then decide what to do about it....this is NOT a cheap sofa so this should NOT be happening grrrrr.....its a shame if they have to replace it because it is just starting to soften up in all the right places and is all comfy!!