We just got back from driving Laurie to the movies, and now we can relax for a few hours before picking him up later - and then thats it - until we pick Susie up tomorrow morning....
I only saw Susie for about 5 minutes this morning, between picking her up from her sleepover and us leaving for the mall....so I phoned her from the mall to say hi and to tell her to have fun at her NEXT sleepover! I will be glad when everyone is home tomorrow again and things can slow down again!
We have decided not to go to the Prairie Gardens tomorrow after all - I think we are all looking forward to just relaxing at home instead......I think I'll make pancakes for breakfast and then we will pick Susie up and just mellow out at home!
Oh and I think our chickens are for sale...which is kind of funny really :)
Dad if you read this, no the parcel hasn't arrived but I will call you as soon as it does - we had a holiday last Monday so that may have slowed things down too.
I think I'm going to write to Becky this evening......
6 hours ago