I find this very interesting. At the lake on Friday my two girls mentioned they didn't want to be late home for High School Musical 2. It aired twice on Friday evening and they watched the later showing.
All last week Abigail would come into my room in the morning al excited because it was only (2) more sleeps until High School Musical 2...or however many sleeps it was that day lol!
When it was mentioned at the lake, Val said her Daughters were also very excited to see it - and then a lady walked by as we were talking and said HER Daughter was also very excited and they had had to phone home to check it was being recorded.....
So I knew it was popular here, but I had no idea it was quite SO popular!!!!
When we were at MGM Studios in January we saw the High School Musical parade.....I had never heard of it - Susie knew all about it and was thrilled to see it but we had never heard her mention it before.....
Anyway, it looks as though most of North America is buzzing over this moviie too :)
We treated the girls to the first movie on dvd last week and they haven't stopped watching it, singing it, and playing Barbies/ role playing games about it ever since!!!
One of these days I guess I should watch it and see what all the fuss is about :)
8 hours ago