Jun 28, 2010

The Trial of Mr Wolf....

Today was Laurence's last day at Junior High School, and he starred in the school concert as Mr Wolf!!  He did a fantastic job!!  :)  They all did and I really enjoyed the story of Mr Wolf being in court charged with being a Big Bad Wolf!!!

The audience was the jury, and in the end we got to decide (by clapping) if he was guilty or innocent!!  We all decided he was innocent (well, I think his classmates in the audience tried to make out he was guilty hahahaha lol but majority ruled lol)

School is now over for another year.....yay!!!   I am sooooo happy that Summer can truly begin!!  I love having the children home and have so many plans and ideas and just love how relaxed and fun summer is :)  

I know a lot of parents dread the long holidays, but I LOVE Summer and NO SCHOOL!!!  :)


(I really should start using my camera again and stop relying on my iphone.  I don't get any decent pictures any more!!!  Sorry!!)

Opening the time capsules...

We opened the time capsules this afternoon on a special 'last day of homeschool' trip to the splashpark!!! Our friend Darren joined us and brought us ice creams to help us celebrate!!  Then he helped us use the strings in the time capsules to measure Abby and Sam to see if they had grown.....but the strings were the same size as Abby and Sam so it didn't seem as if they had grown at all..so we aren't sure if the string was too stretchy or if they really hadn't grown!!  Sigh....

BUT...Sam has gained 5lbs and Abby has gained 9lbs since September 11th.  Both their hands have grown!!  Most of their favourite things have stayed the same!!  They both found a Toonie in their time capsule ;)  


This is the t-shirt Laurence is wearing for his last day at Catholic school :)

Time Capsule Opening Day!!!

Today is the day that we open our time capsules!!!

Last September we made time capsules full of information about Sam and Abby!!  You can read about them HERE!!  They are VERY excited to open them later today :)  

I will add pictures of the grand opening later!!!

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