I am so so tired...no energy to blog. No energy to upload all the pictures from today. It's been a good day though. Fun. Busy. we left the house at 8:55am and got home at 3pm and then I made dinner......I am even too tired to work on my Iron Chef projects although they are all I can think about!
Dinner is done. Kids are showered. I was dozing on the sofa with Lloyd but now I am off to soak in the bath..my hip hurts from doing too much today - I knew it would.
Tomorrow the man I love is 34. The funny thing is, he has spent the last few months thinking he was turning 35!!! I think thats funny :) So Happy Birthday Lloyd........I can't wait to give you your gifts baby :) And the best thing about your birthday is we are getting a Wow Factor birthday cake woohoo!!!!
Oh and I forgot to say that on Tuesday Lloyd was walking out of a meeting with his boss and the boss guy says to him 'I have to call Testing Automation (Lloyds company) and tell them that Lloyd Thorpe has been renewed for another year!'
Lloyd told him Lloyd would be pleased to hear that ;)
So they only made him wait a day from the interview before giving him the contract again and its renewable for another year after this year without re-interviewing :) So Lloyd is here in Edmonton working for another 2 years :) Good news :)
Lots to tell you about my day but it will have to wait until tomorrow!
7 hours ago