10 hours ago
Nov 19, 2009
Snow??? Oh no!!!! ;)
Sam had fun playing in the 'snow' behind the ice rink today ;) He was so surprised and excited to see a mountain of 'snow' to play on. He and Lloyd started kicking it and jumping on it.
It's lovely having Lloyd home......everything is more relaxed and laid back and easy when he is home...even a busy day like today is sooooo much easier and more fun, with him home with us!!
Walking on water...
Today was our mad running about day as Abigail has art class and gymnastics class, and we had errands to run. We did make the most of the continuing gorgeous weather though, and took a walk around the local park and lake. The lake is partially frozen now because of the night time temperatures, but it still looks very wet and glassy. It looked as though the geese were walking on water ;)
The poor geese were pecking at the ice to try and get water....they did finally find some under the big rocks around the edge.
Although it has been very warm during the day this week - 17c on one day - the ice is quite solid!! Lloyd tested this by throwing a huge rock into the centre of the lake and it just bounced!!!! I was told it was a guy thing.....There were a lot of big rocks in the middle just sitting there - so I guess a lot of silly men had been testing the thickness of the ice ;)
Fava - youth camp screening...
A few iphone snapshots of Chris on stage at the Metro Cinema in the Citadel last Saturday night. This was after the screening of two of the films he was involved in creating this past Summer.
Chris is the one in the grey zip up hoody who has his arms folded in the middle picture ;)
We really enjoyed going last Saturday. We took a friend of Chris's with us too. Afterwards we all went to Starbucks to relax and discuss - well, I had a lot of questions anyway ;)
CTV News were there to film the evening and it was shown on the 6pm news the following night!! Lloyd saw us on there in our seats, but I didn't lol!
On a sad note, Chris's friends Dad is currently in hospital after having a brain aneurysm two weeks ago. This is a family from our small community here. Please keep this family in your thoughts. Latest news is that his dad has spoken a few words and we hope his recovery continues this well!
We now have two friends in local hospitals recovering from brain aneurysms :(
My other friend is now in a different hospital undergoing rehab. She is improving well.
Raised by wolves, covered in blisters and buried alive.....
Last night I went out for dinner with a group of friends. We met at Montana's for supper at 7 and were eventually kicked out just after 10pm as the place was closing (they even turned the music off to give us a hint lol).
I took lei's for us all to wear, and also little parasols to go in our drinks and tinsel covered straws too - to add a tropical flair to the dinner as last night I was SUPPOSED to be on a plane flying back from my holiday in the Dominican Republic.....sigh....
Everyone was great and wore the lei's and used the straws etc - and didn't admit that they thought I was totally insane ;) Thanks so much everyone for coming along!! I had a great time despite no bellini's!!! ;)
We played a game for most of the evening - I had two apps on my iphone that are great for groups and conversation starters - one is called 'Would you ever?' and the other is called 'What would you choose?' Both games ask questions and you then have to choose between situations. They are crazy questions like:
'Would you choose to excrete green goo on your skin when aroused OR would you choose to excrete powerful glue when excited???'
'Would you choose to be forced to eat your best friend OR be eaten by your best friend??'
Neither of these questions came up lol but they did just now when I clicked on the game ;) So feel free to answer these IMPORTANT questions in the comments section ;)
The other game had questions like:
'Would you ever kill someone?' Stacey got this question!!! Guess her answer ;)
'Would you ever try to run for it if the cops were chasing you?'
'Would you ever avoid a loved one who had a medical condition that caused them to stink??
Well, as you can see, we learned some interesting things about each other - like Tara would rather lick her toes at the end of the day than lick her pants, Val would rather die in 5 years from a disease that makes her body go brittle than be covered in blisters for the rest of her life....and Sharon would prefer her parents to walk in on her during sex than for her to walk in on her parents having sex - AND be raised by wolves rather than dolphins ;)
After endless rounds of questions, it turned out that I was the most normal, rational and sensible person at the table ;)
Who'd have thunk?? ;) hahahaha ;)
Stacey and Val:
Shawna and Sharon:
Tara and Lorraine:
Me and Shawna:
Thanks sooooo much for a great evening (I even got pressies - pics to follow!!) We definitely have to do this again soon :) January - because Val (under the influence of a LOT of wine lol) agreed to go on the mechanical bull with me :) DIDN'T she everyone????? YES!! I have 5 witnesses huh????? ;)
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