Nov 19, 2009

Walking on water...

Today was our mad running about day as Abigail has art class and gymnastics class, and we had errands to run.  We did make the most of the continuing gorgeous weather though, and took a walk around the local park and lake.  The lake is partially frozen now because of the night time temperatures, but it still looks very wet and glassy.  It looked as though the geese were walking on water ;)

The poor geese were pecking at the ice to try and get water....they did finally find some under the big rocks around the edge.

Although it has been very warm during the day this week - 17c on one day - the ice is quite solid!!  Lloyd tested this by throwing a huge rock into the centre of the lake and it just bounced!!!!  I was told it was a guy thing.....There were a lot of big rocks in the middle just sitting there - so I guess a lot of silly men had been testing the thickness of the ice ;)

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