6 hours ago
May 22, 2011
My Sunday :)
How was your Sunday everyone?? Great I hope!! I hope you are all having a lovely long weekend and enjoying the fabulous weather...I am soooo happy that Summer is here and we are having such glorious weather...even the mosquitoes haven't been as bad the last couple of days - at the dog park yesterday they were even ok!! Although tonight in my bedroom they seem to be having a bit of a party!!
I had a lovely Sunday...lovely QUIET lazy morning...enjoyed my silent house....just Rosie and I...Laurence was texting me at two o'clock this morning - forgot the time or thought I would still be awake or something lol!! But I was glad he was happy and having a fun weekend :) That is what High School should be about!! He was checking in and I knew he was ok but having fun!! :)
After a lazy morning I got up and headed into town to a free 'Make and Take' at Michaels. I saw it on Facebook and thought 'why not'? I got there half an hour before it ended and wasn't sure they would have any of the kits left - but as it turned out, I was the only person who had shown up for the craft the whole afternoon!!! I made the rosette in the picture above - and on the back is a little envelope with a card that you can pull out :) It's really sweet and I could pick from all of the different colours and themes - but I liked this one :) Not bad for free :)
I was going to go and tan but my tanning salon was closed for the holiday weekend :( so I headed back to Homesense to have a look around and was then going to go and get a coffee and do some journaling...but I heard from Cori and she said she was able to come and meet me :)
We headed out to Katies Crossing for an hour or so - I thought it might be busy out there on such a warm day, but no - as usual it was empty!! We sat and chatted and caught up as it had been a while since we had seen each other...and wow she looks amazing...I'm half tempted to take a class like Zumba myself...except for the aching muscles poor Cori had....and how much Sharon aches after her exercise classes too....maybe i'll stick to swimming with the kids and just put up with my wobbly bits ;) But yes Cori - if you read this, you look AMAZING!!!! :)
I got home just before 6-ish and the kids got home not long after.....I always find that a little difficult for the first evening or so....as I have to listen to all their stories of 'life at Daddys' although by bed time I had also heard the not-so-good parts.....like how they had gone to bed listening to gun shots....how Abby had spent much of the weekend in her room, how awful it was without air conditioning at his house, how Abby had broken the screen of his front door and had been told off...and various other stories that weren't quite so great.....
I'm not quite sure why, but Abigail is a different child when she is at Lloyds house. I think it is probably an attention seeking behaviour. Lloyd seems to give all his attention to Sam and spoils him terribly. He doesn't seem to know how to handle Abigail at all and has no patience for her at all - so he handles it in the worst way possible - by sending to her room...which just causes worse behaviour :(
It's really sad as they used to be so close. She was such a Daddy's girl :( And unfortunately he seems to think this is her behaviour always - like when she is here with me - yet for me she is lovely and we are ver close now - she is very grown up now and independent....and although yes she can be a little contrary and has her moments, I know how to handle that to get the best from her. We rarely see anything like the behaviour Lloyd gets. The children say they don't even get to the highway before she is having a tantrum in his car :(
His answer of course is that she needs school! Sigh....what she NEEDS is attention from her Dad!!!
Anyway....Laurence had asked me to pick him up at 8pm and I think that worked out really well as it gave me a little break from all the stories about Daddy :) I left the children here and drove in to get Laurence and he drove home...I like driving in the rain and we had a Summer rainstorm - it smelled lovely! We stopped off at Sobeys and grabbed a few groceries before heading home...
Susannah made me a cup of tea and some Ryvita and I soaked in the bath for an hour to try and get rid of a headache (weather changing) and then it was bedtime for the little ones and art journaling time for me :)
Tomorrow is a holiday here - Victoria Day...we are going to ride the streetcar across the High Level Bridge - we've never done that before :) Cori said she might join us as she has never done that either!! I'm looking forward to being a tourist for the day :)
Have a great day everyone!!
My weekend to myself...
The kids are with their Dad this weekend, so I'm having a lovely quiet weekend to myself :)
After they left on Friday at 8pm I got busy spray painting some furniture and moving some furniture around....then relaxed for the rest of the evening....
Saturday I had a lazy start and then took Rosie to the dog park for a walk....stopping off at Laurences friends house to give him some money - he had been bored at his Dads so had decided to spend the weekend with his friends instead - I will pick him up tonight. His Dad didn't give him any money though, so I ran him some in.
After the dog park I came home and tidied up a bit here and then had a nap....woke up at 6:30 and headed to Whyte Ave to meet Samantha for some drinks.....It was such a GORGEOUS night and sooo HOT even after dark it was still soooo warm out!! The atmosphere on Whyte on summer nights is so great :) I love all the different characters you see, all the people dressed up for a night out, everyone happy.....
Ended the night sat chatting by the Butterdome watching rabbits and then trying to video Samantha chasing a rabbit but all I got was darkness and me giggling like I was VERY drunk :) And my pictures of the bellydancer that I wanted to blog didn't come out :(
And today? Today Im having a lazy morning and then maybe meeting Cori....not sure what we will do...I'm going to go and tan and I might go out with my camera....I'm not sure.....and the kids are back this evening.....and tomorrow is a holiday and we have plans :)
I hope whatever you've been up to, you have had a lovely weekend too!
Swimming and supper....
On Friday we went swimming for the afternoon/ evening and stopped off for supper at McD's afterwards. I was still enjoying using my iphone apps for taking pictures :) Love the results :)
On Thursday evening, Susannah and I went to Ikea to get the base for my bed (finally) and after the hard work of getting it in the back of the truck, we had a well earned break at Starbucks. I tried one of their Coconut Mocha Frapps - yum!!
Getting to know you Sunday.....
1. what's your favorite rainy day activity? I like to open the windows and listen to the rain, smell that fresh rain smell, snuggle with the children, read or watch a movie, bake, play games, craft, do homely things. I also like driving in the rain :)
2. what time do you go to bed? I go to bed around 10pm but I don't go to sleep until around 1am.
3. how many magazines do you subscribe to? I did subscribe to Creating Keepsakes for the last couple of years, but it just ran out and I'm not going to renew. I don't scrapbook any more, and I have mored on to magazines like Artful Blogging and Art Journaling....I don't subscribe to them, but buy them when I see them...
4. did you sell all your belongings because you thought the world was ending yesterday? I was tempted to but what use would the money be?? So no.....I just enjoyed my last few days instead :)
5. what's your beauty obsession? Lol I don't think I have one ;) I'm quite enjoying having a lovely tan...and I have something I'm planning to do in the near future too but it's a bit hush hush for now ;)
6. if you could only wear one designer/brand for the rest of your life...what would it be? Oh I don't wear designer labels so that would be hopeless....I do wear a LOT of clothes from Reitmans but then they don't sell underwear so I'd be hooped!!! lol...Could I say Winners??? Then I can get everything!! I tend to get all my clothes in either Reitmans or Winners....and I like sales. I'm cheap lol!
7. what's your summer must have? outdoor pools! I HAVE to go swimming at outdoor pools in the summer - I love the sound....reminds me of my childhood :) There is something special about swimming in a pool in the sunshine :) Proper outdoor pools - not the above ground ones you can buy - but the real thing. They're special :)
8. do you make weekly dinner menus? No. I'm very unorganized. Plus we tend to go out so much in the evenings now and the kids are at their Dads on Tuesdays and Thursdays and sometimes Friday/ Saturday/ Sundays......so planning is not easy...Wednesdays we go to the farmers market....so really we aren't home much to eat any more and when we are, Susannah only ever wants baked potatoes lol!!!!
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