May 22, 2011

My weekend to myself...

The kids are with their Dad this weekend, so I'm having a lovely quiet weekend to myself :)  

After they left on Friday at 8pm I got busy spray painting some furniture and moving some furniture around....then relaxed for the rest of the evening....

Saturday I had a lazy start and then took Rosie to the dog park for a walk....stopping off at Laurences friends house to give him some money - he had been bored at his Dads so had decided to spend the weekend with his friends instead - I will pick him up tonight.  His Dad didn't give him any money though, so I ran him some in.  

After the dog park I came home and tidied up a bit here and then had a nap....woke up at 6:30 and headed to Whyte Ave to meet Samantha for some drinks.....It was such a GORGEOUS night and sooo HOT even after dark it was still soooo warm out!!  The atmosphere on Whyte on summer nights is so great :)  I love all the different characters you see, all the people dressed up for a night out, everyone happy.....

Ended the night sat chatting by the Butterdome watching rabbits and then trying to video Samantha chasing a rabbit but all I got was darkness and me giggling like I was VERY drunk :)  And my pictures of the bellydancer that I wanted to blog didn't come out :(  

And today?  Today Im having a lazy morning and then maybe meeting Cori....not sure what we will do...I'm going to go and tan and I might go out with my camera....I'm not sure.....and the kids are back this evening.....and tomorrow is a holiday and we have plans :)  

I hope whatever you've been up to, you have had a lovely weekend too!  
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