Poor Laurie isn't having a very good week......tonight I cooked his favourite dinner - Lasagna.....so we are all sat at the table enjoying our lasagna when all of a sudden Laurie throws up all over his dinner plate.........
.....needless to say no one ate any more of their dinner after that......
Sigh.......two hours in the oven and the dogs get to eat it all......well, accept Lauries plateful...I'm not that cruel!
So....either we caught Cori's family's stomach flu via email (is that possible??? CAN I blame her????????) or he has picked something else up from his friends as well as nightmares :(
So date night will now be a quick run into town to grab some groceries and water.......I don't want to leave Laurie long. No matter how old they get, they just want Mom and Dad when they are sick.
11 hours ago