Jan 4, 2010

Photoshop Elements 8......and a whole new world....

Hhmmm Thats it!!  I have spent the last month drooling at the most stunning digital scrapbooking layouts and I've decided that the time has come to give it  a go!!!  Enough sulking and telling myself I can't do it!!  I CAN!  I WILL!!!  I think maybe tonight I'll have to get Photoshop Elements 8...how hard can it be???   (gulp).....

I've always admired my blog world friend Mighty Morphin Mama's amazing pages and now I just see more and more pages done with the digital touch instead of paper - and while I will always love paper pages too, I think I'd like to be able to create both!!

If any of you have any tips for a beginner - or any links to fabby digital scrapbooking stores for 'supplies' then please do let me know!!!  Now I think I'd better head off to Jessica Spragues site - I've never paid attention to anything 'digital' before but I've always loved her other classes....

......still waiting for Lloyd to get home - Chris had a late class sadly so Lloyd had to stay late and wait for him :(  I'm tired - this waking up early thing is catching up with me!!!

First day of school and work.....a return to routine...

Lloyd went back to work today - after much sulking and skulking for the last couple of days lol - I swear all he did for the last couple of days was hang his head and mumble "I don't wanna go back to work"....I think he enjoyed his time off just sooo much he really relaxed so much this time and he really needed that.

Lloyd had coffee with me before he headed in to downtown - and he made sure everyone else was up and about and ready for the bus.  I  sat up all bleary eyed in the dark and then apologised and told him there was no way I could wake up so early and I needed to go back to sleep for a couple of hours - he just laughed and kept talking to me until I was more awake!  Finally the coffee woke me up!

After I waved Lloyd and Chris off and then waved Susie and Laurie off as they walked down to the bus, I sat in bed and checked my Emails - I had some LOVELY Emails to start my day this morning :)  Such a nice way to start the week :)

Sam was still fast asleep beside me and as the house was still silent, I knew Abby was still fast asleep too.  I really should have woken them both up but I was enjoying the quiet all to myself!!!  that doesn't happen too often!!  Tomorrow will be different!!

And so, as the new school/ work year starts I am looking forward to getting back in to our new routine.  We've changed a few things - changed the days Abigail goes to her classes.  We won't be having such a crazy rush day on Thursdays.  Sam goes back to his PreK class this week and is so excited to see his teachers and friends again.  We have some plans with some homeschool friends for some group activities and some other get togethers....and of course our regular breakfasts with Val!!!

There are also 4 birthdays to celebrate this month AND the Winter Olympics torch is coming through our town :)  Ice on Whyte  to enjoy too!!

I've missed Lloyd today and will be happy to see his car come up the driveway in a little while...but it's been a lovely calm day here with everybody out and about at school and work - and I feel all organized having gotten caught up with all the chores around here!

And now, I'm caught up on prompts too :)

Books, magazines and reading plans for the new year....

I'm a day behind ALREADY in my 'year of prompts'....I did sit in bed last night to respond, but got distracted by reading up on the new yoga studio opening up soon and trying to decide whether that one would be better than Bikram yoga....are all hot yoga's equal????  Hmmm

Anyway, Val was discussing books on her blog too and had been saying she was reading several autobiographies.  A friend of hers had mentioned the 'Kindle' or electronic book that she had received for Christmas and that holds thousands of books  in one small gadget and we were discussing the pro's and cons of this.

Yesterdays prompt asked what I had been reading lately.  To be honest, I haven't read much since 'The Book Thief'.  I really have been too busy with Christmas and creating my JYC album.  I've been writing a lot too.  For Christmas I received Oprahs wonderful book, and I also got the book that I mentioned previously, about the pressed fairies.

I have book 3 in The Immortals series to read - I think it's called 'Shadowlands' and it's by Alyson Neil I think.....they're actually teen novels, similar to Twilight and the first two I borrowed from Vals daughter. I loved them and was thrilled when book 3 was released 3 months early!!!  :)

Kelly Rae Roberts recommended the latest issue of Oprah Magazine, saying it was the best issue she had ever read.....and as I hadn't read an issue for a long while (I just buy the books as then you get the best articles without all those adverts) I thought I'd give it a try - I actually love New Years issues of magazines as I find them quite inspiring and motivating - and THIS issue of O Mag is wonderful!!!

Apart from that I'm reading up on the Winter Olympics because that is what we're studying for next month.....and we'll be continuing our China project with the Chinese New Year Festivities in the not too distant future....I'm not actually in the mood to read much right now...I want to write and DO and so if I do read I think it will have to be mgazines for a while or something I can flick through or not have to focus too much on...

How about you?  What are you reading?

Music Monday....

Don't worry be happy :)

New Year Tag Time!!!

What would you like to be your biggest success in 2010?
Making this our happiest year yet!!

What advice would you like to give yourself this year?
to just BREATHE and not sweat the small stuff!!

What would you be most happy about completing in 2010?
I would like to complete 52-10 as well as my monthly mini albums.  I'm also working on some yoga that I'd like to stick with through the year.....all part of the 'just breathe' philosophy and not letting stuff get to me as much.

What major indulgence would you like  to experience in 2010?
I want to try caviar this year!!  I have never tried it!!!  

What would you most like to change about yourself in 2010?

Being bothered by other peoples stupid choices that don't effect me - and learning to switch off more when they do effect me.

What are you looking forward to learning in 2010?
More yoga, digital scrapbooking 

What do you think your biggest risk will be in 2010?
driving, starting our new business

What about your work, are you most committed to changing and improving in 2010?
relaxing a lot more and leaning more towards unschooling - removing stress.

What is one as yet undeveloped talent you are willing to explore in 2010?
I am open to whatever the year brings....

What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do or have more of that in 2010?
Relaxing, having fun, traveling, going out and about with Lloyd and the family

Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving in 2010?

Lloyd and my children - and my home.  I also plan to continue to support Malle and Margori - our little girls we 'foster' through World Vision.  I will continue to write to them regularly and send them parcels.  I love receiving letters and updates from them.  

What one word would you like to have as your theme in 2010?

Breathe - whether that be in a way to calm myself in stressful times, when practicing relaxation exercises and yoga, when outside walking in the fresh air, or when taking time for myself doing my crafts and hobbies or on date nights with Lloyd.....I will take time to breathe!!
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