Jan 4, 2010

New Year Tag Time!!!

What would you like to be your biggest success in 2010?
Making this our happiest year yet!!

What advice would you like to give yourself this year?
to just BREATHE and not sweat the small stuff!!

What would you be most happy about completing in 2010?
I would like to complete 52-10 as well as my monthly mini albums.  I'm also working on some yoga that I'd like to stick with through the year.....all part of the 'just breathe' philosophy and not letting stuff get to me as much.

What major indulgence would you like  to experience in 2010?
I want to try caviar this year!!  I have never tried it!!!  

What would you most like to change about yourself in 2010?

Being bothered by other peoples stupid choices that don't effect me - and learning to switch off more when they do effect me.

What are you looking forward to learning in 2010?
More yoga, digital scrapbooking 

What do you think your biggest risk will be in 2010?
driving, starting our new business

What about your work, are you most committed to changing and improving in 2010?
relaxing a lot more and leaning more towards unschooling - removing stress.

What is one as yet undeveloped talent you are willing to explore in 2010?
I am open to whatever the year brings....

What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do or have more of that in 2010?
Relaxing, having fun, traveling, going out and about with Lloyd and the family

Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving in 2010?

Lloyd and my children - and my home.  I also plan to continue to support Malle and Margori - our little girls we 'foster' through World Vision.  I will continue to write to them regularly and send them parcels.  I love receiving letters and updates from them.  

What one word would you like to have as your theme in 2010?

Breathe - whether that be in a way to calm myself in stressful times, when practicing relaxation exercises and yoga, when outside walking in the fresh air, or when taking time for myself doing my crafts and hobbies or on date nights with Lloyd.....I will take time to breathe!!
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