Lloyd is on his way home...we haven't been grocery shopping in soooo long - apart from grabbing fresh milk bread and fruit/ veggies, we have been eating all the foods we bought for CHristmas when we stocked up the freezers....but now we need to go shopping. Just not big-time as we are only here for a week.....So Lloyd is stopping off to get some groceries for tonight and then we will go shopping tomorrow. He will be home by 5pm no doubt and then the weekend can start.
My dishwasher is driving me nuts...it is so LOUD :( Lloyd fiddled with it a while back and now my 'silent' dishwasher is no longer silent.....think jet plane flying low above your house! We will need a new one after our holiday.....
The children are finishing off their thank you letters this afternoon for their Christmas gifts.....so that is one thing on my to-do list that I can cross off.
Address books - how often do you go through yours and update it? I finally did that this afternoon and wow it is so sad...I haven't gone through it for about 5 years really - not fully through it...and there were so many people that had died that I had to cross off...thats really sad. Also those who had moved or that I don't have contact with now.......so I plan to get a new address book tomorrow and start over....maybe it will be less depressing than flicking through details on deceased friends and family...........
The other major thing on the to-do list is something we should do regularly but we often procrastinate over.........backing up the computer...it used to back-up automatically each night but now ew hae several computers and everything is all over the place - so Lloyd spent a day this week backing everything up to the portable hard drive that he will keep at work.....much safer than having it all here in one house...so with that, back-up on two hard drives in the one computer, my blog (which is also backed up) and sending pictures to family back home, I think our pictures and memories are faily safe :)
I'm not hungry today......I had 3 weetabix for brunch around 11am and haven't felt hungry since.....probably because I didn't eat at all yesterday and hardly the day before.......they finally brought me breakfast in hospital but it was too late and my migraine had already started - so although I got to look at the food I didn't get to eat it :(
Lloyd asked what I'd like for dinner tonight but I have no appetite so anything will do.....what are you all having for Friday supper?
4 hours ago