This week went really fast!
Lloyd went into work late again today so we had coffee together...then I sat in bed and watched Global news before calling my Mum for a chat...I was on the phone for about an hour! She is changing the plans for her new kitchen but can't get hold of the designer......
This morning we all just pottered about...I can't remember what anyone was doing but they all seemed industious and occupied...Laurie sat at the laptop typing up his novel.....Chris watched a documentary to do with the movie business and then focussed on a competition to do with special effects....
I did some laundry (woohoo)
I can't think what else happened this morning...after lunch we all tidied up and then I went to the mailbox where I found my new issue of Live Free Learn Free magazine........yay! Another homeschool magazine to read :)
Just before 2pm our facilitator arrived........this is our first year with this school board so we didn't know what to expect.....turns out we were more organized than we needed to be but thats fine.....she chatted with each of the children about their plans for the year, likes/ dislikes etc.......looked at some of the things they have eben doing.....looked at Abigails lapbooks and that was about it......oh and she took our photograph (gulp)
After she left around 4pm I started dinner and Lloyd arrived home...we had dinner and watched the start of the local news at 6pm.....and Lloyd just left to take CHris out for the evening...they are picking up his friend Emma on the way and taking them to WEM to the Rock and Ride for the finishes at 11pm so it will be a late night for them...
I have a photoshoot at 11am Chris will have to get up on time and get tidied lol even with a late night!
So that was my day...not too exciting...
Oh I started planning a get together in November...some homeschooly stuff which should be fun! And Christie is planning the survival course which she is holding here in November.....
I have had a couple of glasses of wine this evening and am feeling all relaxed now :) I love Friday evenings :)
The weekend starts here!! :)
6 hours ago