I think they said there are 17 fires burning across Alberta at the moment. Its so early i the season for there to be this many fires burning! And the two burning this close to Edmonton are bad - The Bruderheim one is so very close!
It's one of the things that does worry you as an acreage owner. Every Summer especially, when the land is so dry, when thunder storms rattle through - lightning often sparks them...as do camp fires...even quadbikes can start grass fires. And the grass is always so dry that once they start they take a hold so quickly.
When we have a fire in the fire pit we have the hose going almost the whole time - we wet the grass around the whole area and we're always soaking it down and we always carefully put the fire out before we leave it for the night. I still worry.
We're not on city water and if there was a fire around here we have to rely on them trucking water in or helicoptering it in - the fire trucks can't attach a hose to a hydrant the way they can in the city.
I would NEVER swap my wonderful acreage life - even if we move it will always be to spacious acreage living - I never want to live in the city again - you couldn't pay me enough. But there are risks and sacrifices you make for this lifestyle, and one of those risks is the wildfires.
The people in those areas are in my thoughts. Tamie - I know you have family in Newbrook and they are in my thoughts. I know many of them are not even on acreages probably - just small town living. I hope their homes and things they care about stay safe.
7 hours ago