Stacey, her husband, and her gorgeous two T and K came over for the afternoon today. (You can check out Staceys blog at Mollys People (link on the right). We spent the afternoon chatting, down by the pond, saying hi to Charlie and the dogs, looking at the beehives, laughing (mainly at me and the way I assassinate watermelon) and walking around while the children played, ate and had fun getting dirty in the sandbox and topsoil pile :)
Poor Stacey can't eat at the moment because of an infection in her gum/ jaw that she is on antibiotics for and seeing her dentist for next week. It's difficult for her to talk and eat and she's on a diet of soup and yoghurt, so she wasn't happy that I had bought croissants and lemon cake ;) Hopefully she will be back to her normal self very soon!