I am still feeling ill :( sick and tired literally :( but I'm kind of getting used to it and keeping going :( didn't have much chance to stop today.......
So tonight we HAD to go to the local community hall and renew our league membership and then register the girls for dance.................so while I was there I saw they had Girl Guides...Susie would LOVE to go to Girl Guides/ Brownies or whatever......so I go and ask them when it is.......its EXACTLY the same day and time as the dance classes!!! This is such a small community you would think they would have more sense than to run both the girls activities on the same day at the same TIME!!!!! Duh!!!! So I said we have dance and they sigh and say what a shame and that lots of families say the same thing............... DUH!!!!!! So I ask if they have this problem every year or if this is just this year and they say EVERY YEAR!!!!!! ...................DUH!!!!!! so I ask them why they do that and they look at me and say 'Its the day that works for us' But it doesn't %*&%#%$# work for the girls who want to go to Brownies you DORKS!!!!!!!
And you know what....ALL the girls and families were over at the dance class registration signing up for dance classes and NONE were signing up for Girl Guides..... I felt like yelling over at them 'Hows that workin' for ya????????'
So then I wanted to sign up for Yoga......an hour each Wednesday in the local community hall....Susie and I were going to go together..........................well they want $10 a WEEK for a little local community league yoga class......I think thats INSANE!!! Its not friggin' Yoga For Today' Studios. So no Yoga and no Girl Guides....but the girls start dance again in two weeks which they will love!
I was glad to get home.
Oh but I did ask about volunteering to do the community league newsletter for the year.........so maybe I will do that.
6 hours ago