My Mum phoned this morning to check her parcel had arrived....I had called and thenked her for the first one but the second one I posted about in my blog assuming she would read it...she missed that post! I couldn't chat for long though as we had tp head out not long after she called...............
We spent the day at the Telus World of Science............the children each had a homeschoolers workshop to take part in. Abigail did the 'Body Basics' class which she loved.......Susannah did 'Rocks and Minerals', Laurence did 'Electric Car Garage' and Chris did 'Forensics Lab'........
Lauries workshop was very cool and included a car to bring home that is battery powered.
While the children were in their workshops I bought a few birthday gifts for Laurie in the store, chatted with the other homeschooling Moms that I knew, met a few new ones which is always nice and played with Sam in the childrens section with the blocks and water tables....he had a blast!!! I always make sure to take a spare change of clothes for him because he always ends up soaked from the water tables!
Oh just after we arrived I was in the Body section and a lady came up to me to say hi!!! It was DEBBIE!!! (Hi Debbie!!!) from the 'A Step at a Time' blog.........it was so nice to meet her finally after having chatted via email and blog :) And her blog is one of the ones I have yet to add to my list on the right....I have several that I keep meaning to add to my links 'when I have time' sorry to all those I have promised...I will find time soon!
It was lovely walking around the science centre and seeing so many people I know :) and it was lovely and quiet there today...us homeschoolers practically ahd the place to ourselves :)
We got home around 3:30pm and Lloyd just phoned to say he is on his way home.........and that my business cards are not ready because of issues with them.......who would have thought it would be so difficult to get them right.....just because I want a watermark of a photograph on them!!!!
So all in all a good day :) and its not over yet :)