Saturday morning and so far it's been a lovely lazy day.....lay in bed drinking coffee and watching the breakfast I'm sat in my craft room while Lloyd sands the doors and prepares them for painting in here.....I'm not dressed yet. I am definitely in Saturday mode ;)
Chris is off to TWO parties today...including one at Vertically we are running him in to town just after lunch. Lloyd wants to pick up some more baseboards. He has finished my room and wants to move on to the hallway. We can't decide if we want a chair rail in the hallway or not.
Laurence went to Millennium Place last night to skate for Youth Night. They didn't head there until 9:30pm but he had a fun time with his friends.
Abigail is playing with her 'Toy Creator' kit she picked up at the Reuse Centre - it's some weird kit with playdoh type stuff that changes colour in warm temperatures. She has two bowls of water - one cold and one hot and is messing about with that!
Abby also picked up a Light Brite there and has had GREAT fun making designs on it! Susannah was enjoying it last night too! I wasn't sure it would work when Abby picked it up, but it DOES and she loves it - and I LOVE the Reuse centre :)
Sam has been busy making his jigsaw puzzles he bought, and is also BIG in to cutting up catalogues and magazines and sticking the pictures on to paper to make 'Christmas wish lists'.
We woke up to a bit of snow this morning but I don't think it will stick around - it seems to be melting already. We have had such wonderful temperatures lately, but it is quite nice to see snow on the ground - it feels more festive ;) I am going to write some of my Christmas cards today.
Lloyd and I are off to a party tonight. Our friend got his Doctorate recently, and the party is to celebrate that! His name is Dave, but Lloyd calls him Doctor Davey now as a joke - so we bought a really nice pen and had it engraved with 'Doctor Davey' :) He will always be able to think of Lloyd when he uses it ;) Lloyd was mentioned in the 'acknowledgements' section of the Thesis - which was really nice :) They worked together at two different companies in the past and we've known Dave and his Wife since we first moved to Canada :)
Tomorrow will be another lazy morning followed by going to the Celebration of Lights in town and then supper with some friends. A nice weekend :) Plenty of relaxing and lots of fun mixed in too :)
I am going to head to the kitchen now and throw some ingredients into the crockpot for soup tonight!!!
I hope you are having a lovely weekend wherever you are and whatever you are up to :)
9 hours ago