This morning Lloyd and I ran out to get a few things - amongst other things we ran to the Wild bird store to get some supplies for the bird feeders and to look at bat boxes....In the store they have a big display board stating which birds have been spotted in the area in the last week....bald eagles etc etc...
The lady in there was telling me that any day she expects to stat getting calls to say that people are spotting bats - when they open up their sun parasols for the first time after winter, they find that bats have hibernated up inside them - Val beware!!! :) Lol
We went in to look at bat boxes. Lloyd is off next week and is planning to spend a couple of days building bat boxes, owl boxes and bird boxes for us to put up all around here - I want several bat boxes in the woodland around the pond - bats are wonderful at eating mosquitoes and are such sweet cuddly little things :)
If we put owl boxes up then we can we regularly go round for walks to look underneath them for pellets :)
I want several bird boxes put up within sight of the new sunroom and kitchen so that we can sit in the sun room or on the wrap around porch and watch the birds go in and out of the bird boxes.....
WE also went to Southgate Mall - I had never been there before (except to drop my nephew there for a party once) but I thought it was quite a nice mall....we went there for the science store - which was a bit disappointing really - so much smaller than it looks online! Ah well...
Lloyd dragged me into the Audi dealership to see a car he likes only to be told he can't get it for 2 he was a bit fed up....I don't think Audi were expecting quite so many people in Canada to want one!!
Now we are home and relaxing for a few hours - I'm going to scrapbook for a while - Lloyd is curling up watching a movie with the kids I think.....then he and I are going out to Samantha and Ians house for dinner to celebrate Ians 40th :)
40!!! OMG THATS SO OLD!!!!! ;)
23 hours ago