On Friday I went out on the annual Clover Bar Ranch garage sale Girls Night......lol...well, it's becoming an annual event :)
We start by walking round the huge garage sale event at Clover Bar Ranch - which is basically a subdivision-wide garage sale where you can walk from one garage sale to the next finding bargains!! You get to rummage through peoples garages looking at things they are selling - kind of like a car boot sale in peoples garages and on their driveways (for those of you in the UK) and you just stroll from house to house on a nice Summer evening and some sell pop and burgers, bags of chips/ crisps/ cookies etc etc....
I went with Val and Tess and then half way round the sale we ran in to Tracy who was with her husband and children - who she kindly 'dumped' (hahahaha) in favour of joining us instead and her lovely hubby handed her wads and wads of cash and waved her off telling her to have a lovely evening.....
So after the garage sale we headed to the scrapbook store for a quick look and then we headed to Kelseys for dinner....I got home about 11pm....having left home just before 4pm :) So it was a nice evening :) Lovely and warm evening and a success as I got plenty of bargains and was VERY grateful that Val brought her wonderful cart to pull it all in :) Thanks Val!!!