I had a crazy busy day today....
Firstly, Lloyd woke me with coffee this morning and we sat and had coffee together before he left for the airport for his flight to Toronto.
After everyone left, I got up and saw that no one had done their chores - house was a mess and so I had to sweep and clean the kitchen and feed the animals and get Sam ready and then get showered and ready for me...then I realise Chris doesn't have the chips he needs for his school event at lunchtime - so I called Val to say I would be late and then ran and got some chips and went to the school and dropped them off......this meant me driving two detours as they are doing a lot of roadworks around here atm.
I finally made it to breakfast half an hour late (sorry Val) and breakfast was a little chaotic with Sam popping cream pots and playing with jam and Vals little guy throwing cheerios lol! Thank goodness for Grace - although the restaurant was soooo busy we didn't really get to chat with her....I wonder why it was so busy! We did though get LOTS of coffee refills and it was EXCELLENT coffee.
After breakfast we headed to 17th St...I followed Vals car so we arrived together. We went to Dollarama and - oh boy I love that store! I got so many stocking fillers and scrapbooking goodies and even some hats and scarves for Susies charity collection at school....I love that I can fill the cart up and it still doesn't come to much! I bought a few packs of their chipboard letters as I love them! $1 for the entire alphabet in glittery colours....
After there, we strolled over to the new Winners - the Grand opening is tomorrow but they were open for business today. I have never been lucky in there and have never found it very cheap...but today I found some FAB bargains...I refused to look anywhere but at the teen boys section as the boys really needed some sweaters - and boy did I find them some!
After that I decided I had spent far too much money ( I blame Val lol!) and so I said goodbye to Val and we headed into Sherwood Park. I stopped off at Samanthas house to leave something for her on her doorstep...then I ran to Sobeys and got a few groceries as Susie has a friend here this evening...Sam pushed the cart - one of those mini ones and he was soooo proud. We had a few collisions with displays lol but nothing too serious :)
Then we came home. I made some toast for Sam and I for a late lunch (it was 2pm by this time) and then we walked down the road to meet the school bus.
Much of this evening has been spent emailing Lloyd :) he is bored - had dinner with his colleague and now is in his hotel room.
I had a bath.....read for a while and then Sam came in and splashed around too...we got out, had pizza and now I am here doing this and have been looking at the Effer dares entries for The Last Scrapper Standing...wow - some AMAZING entries!!! I know a few people who have entered and their pages are gorgeous so I hope they get through this first round....Effer Dares cut out half of the entries each round so it can be difficult to get through! This round the dare was to use 8 transparencies on one page.
I think I'm going to switch off now and go to bed...Sam can fall asleep watching Treehouse while I sort laundry.
Tomorrow the weather isn't supposed to be very good, and the children have the day off of school, so I think maybe we will head to Lets Play for a few hours...the children can play and I can read :) Chris has a birthday party to go to tomorrow night. Lloyd won't be home until late tomorrow night. I think his plane lands around 10pm.......so he won't be home until 11pm.
I hate Lloyd being away....it feels like my right arm is missing....like I can cope and everything but just something is missing :(
12 hours ago